Proales parasita

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Proales parasita
Class : Eurotatoria
Subclass : Monogononta
Order : Ploima
Family : Proalidae
Genre : Rotiferous parasites ( Proales )
Type : Proales parasita
Scientific name
Proales parasita
( Ehrenberg , 1838)

Proales parasita is a kind of the genus Proales from the strain of rotifers .


The species becomes 140–160 µm long, the body is sack-shaped and rounded at the back. The toes are very small and mostly drawn in. The head is separated from the body by a narrow constriction. The stomach contents appear green. A red vesicle of unknown function sits on the brain .

Way of life

Like its relative Proales werneckii , the animal also has a parasitic way of life. The animals invade the colonies of the Volvox alga and eat the cells .


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