Prosper Goldhofer

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Prosper Goldhofer (born November 10, 1709 in Munich , † January 19, 1782 in Polling ) was a German astronomer , mathematician and Augustinian canon .


After training at the Jesuit colleges in Ingolstadt and Munich, Goldhofer joined the Augustinian Canons of Polling in 1726 . He studied law, mathematics and history at the University of Ingolstadt . In 1733 he was ordained a priest. He then taught in Polling based on Newtonian mechanics , astronomy and mathematics. He belonged to the Pollingen school around Eusebius Amort and Franz Töpsl . Together with Töpsl he set up an observatory and a physical cabinet in Polling.

In 1759, the year it was founded, he was elected a member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences . In the years 1763–1767 he edited the astronomical calendar published by the academy . Goldhofer wrote numerous, but unprinted scientific and historical works.


A street was named after him in the Munich district of Forstenried .


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