Prostitution in Uzbekistan

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Legal situation of prostitution in Asia. (Red = prohibited, green = legal and regulated, blue = legal, but organized operation prohibited)

Prostitution in Uzbekistan is illegal but common, particularly in Samarkand , Fergana , and the capital, Tashkent . The prostitution has in Uzbekistan since the collapse of the Soviet Union increased. UNAIDS estimates that there are 22,000 prostitutes in the country. Many of the women in Uzbekistan have turned to prostitution because of poverty.

Law enforcement is inconsistent. Some police officers harass the prostitutes or extort protection money from them. Sometimes prostitutes work with the police to prevent informers from being arrested.

The country is, among other things, a sex tourism destination for men from India.

Sex trafficking

Uzbekistan is a country of origin and destination for women and girls who are exposed to the sex trade. Uzbek women and children are exposed to the sex trade in the Middle East , Europe , the CIS countries and Asia as well as internally in brothels , clubs and private houses.

Article 135 of the Criminal Code prohibits both sex trafficking and forced labor and provides sentences of three to twelve years in prison. The government reported that 250 of the crimes examined in 2016 were related to sexual exploitation.


HIV is a problem in the country, but the real situation is unknown as the government manipulated the number to downplay the problem. Prostitutes are a high risk group and have been blamed for an increase in HIV infections. In 2004, 20% of the 11,000 reported HIV cases in the country were sex workers.

Suitors hesitate to use condoms. UNAIDS estimate condom use among paid genders at 50%.

Estimates for 2016 of the HIV prevalence among sex workers are 2.9%.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c ChartsBin: The Legal Status of Prostitution by Country. Retrieved May 4, 2020 .
  2. a b Uzbekistan: Sex Trade on the Rise. Retrieved May 4, 2020 .
  3. a b c d e Uzbekistan: Police and Prostitutes in Unholy Alliance. Retrieved May 4, 2020 .
  4. a b Zafar Anjum: Excerpts: Lusty Indian men for “boom boom” in Uzbekistan. In: kitaab. November 5, 2013, accessed May 4, 2020 .
  5. a b c d Central Asia: HIV Infections Mount In Uzbekistan As Prostitution Rises (Part 2). Retrieved May 4, 2020 .
  6. Sex workers: Population size estimate (2016). Retrieved May 4, 2020 .
  7. S. Abbas Raza: Traveling with the Indian sex tourist to Tashkent in search of 'full enjoyment'. In: 3 Quarks Daily. December 11, 2014, Retrieved May 4, 2020 (American English).
  8. a b 2017 Trafficking in Persons Report Country Narrative: Uzbekistan. July 3, 2017, accessed May 4, 2020 .
  9. Uzbekistan: HIV / AIDS Statistics Uzbekistan: Is Tashkent Cooking Its HIV / AIDS Statistics? Retrieved May 5, 2020 .
  10. IRIN | In-depth | World AIDS Day 2002 | UZBEKISTAN: Focus on the growing AIDS threat. November 22, 2008, accessed May 5, 2020 .
  11. AIDS Statistics by UNAIDS. Retrieved May 5, 2020 .