Forest bald head

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Forest bald head
Psilocybe Silvatica02.JPG

Forest bald head ( Psilocybe silvatica )

Class : Agaricomycetes
Subclass : Agaricomycetidae
Order : Mushroom-like (Agaricales)
Family : Trussling relatives (Strophariaceae)
Genre : Psilocybe
Type : Forest bald head
Scientific name
Psilocybe silvatica
( Peck ) Singer & AHSm.

The bald head of the forest ( Psilocybe silvatica ) is a type of fungus from the family of the Trümmling relatives (Strophariaceae).


The species forms fruit bodies divided into hat and stem, the hat is 0.8-2.5 cm wide, it is frustoconical to bell-shaped, often with a pointed hump. When moist it is dark yellow-brown and fades to pale yellowish-brown or greyish-brown as it dries. The surface is smooth and covered by a thin gelatinous skin that can hardly or not at all be removed. Sticky when wet. The lamellae are grown or attached at the base, they are close to not close together and are narrow to moderately wide. They are dull greyish brown to cinnamon brown and when ripe they are smoky brown in color, the lamellar edges remain whitish. The stem becomes 2–8 cm long and 1–3 mm thick. It is equally thick everywhere, only a little wider at the base, brittle, brittle, hollow and slightly bent. Beneath a whitish, fibrous coating, it is dirty white to brownish in color. A velum partiale is barely developed, veil-like, very thin, often barely recognizable and soon disappears. The spore powder is dark purple-brown, the spores are 6–9.5 × 4.5–5.5 µm in size. The species has four-pore basidia , more rarely two -pore ones are sometimes present. There are no pleurocystids . The spindle-like, bulbous to bottle-shaped cheilocystids are 24–40 µm long and 4.4–7 (8.8) µm wide, and have a long, winding neck 1.6–2.2 µm thick.

Psilocybe silvatica.jpg


The forest bald head, like most types of bald heads, is a saprobiont inhabitant of decomposed wood. It grows gregariously, but not often on scraps of wood such as twigs or wood chips or well-decomposed remains of coniferous wood. Its fruiting bodies appear in autumn.


The species is found in North America and Europe. In North America, finds have been reported from Ontario, the Pacific Northwest, Michigan, and New York. In Europe there are reports of finds from northern Italy, France, Sweden and Finland. In Germany there are several records from Baden-Württemberg and Saxony.


This species contains psilocybin and psilocin , it is rated as weak to moderately psychoactive and is very similar in appearance and active ingredient content to Psilocybe pelliculosa .


Web links

Commons : Forest bald head ( Psilocybe silvatica )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files