Publius Cornelius Sulla (consul-designate 65 BC)

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Publius Cornelius Sulla († end of 46 BC ) from the branch of Sullae of the Cornelier gens was a Roman politician.

Publius Cornelius Sulla was related to Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix . In his proscriptions against the followers of Gaius Marius , he enriched himself massively. Together with Publius Autronius Paetus he was named consul of the year 65 BC. Elected, but like his colleague could not take office because he was accused by the son of the unsuccessful candidate Lucius Manlius Torquatus . Both consuls-designate were expelled from the Senate. Sulla and Autronius were later accused of planning a violent overthrow with Lucius Sergius Catilina (so-called "first Catilinarian conspiracy "). Sulla retired to Naples , where he lived in seclusion. In connection with the conspiracy of Catiline in 63 BC He was 62 BC. Again in BC accused by Lucius Manlius Torquatus, but obtained an acquittal after Quintus Hortensius Hortalus and Marcus Tullius Cicero (who was heavily indebted to Sulla) had defended him.

During the fighting between Publius Clodius Pulcher and Titus Annius Milo in 57 BC. His house served as the headquarters of the Clodians. During the civil war between Gaius Iulius Caesar and Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus , he sided with Caesar and commanded the defense of the Caesar camp during the Battle of Dyrrhachium . At Pharsalus he commanded the right wing of the Caesarians. After the civil war, he was able to enrich himself again by selling the goods of the outlaws. When the unpopular Sulla at the end of 46 BC BC died, his death was not mourned.



  1. Marcus Tullius Cicero : de officiis 2.29.
  2. Sallust : Coniuratio Catilinae 18; Cicero: Pro Sulla 11.49f.
  3. ^ Cicero: Pro Sulla 67.
  4. Aulus Gellius 12,12,2f.
  5. Cicero: ad Atticum 4,3,3.
  6. Caesar: Civil War 3.51ff.
  7. Caesar: Civil War 3,89,2.
  8. Cicero: de officiis 2.29.
  9. Cicero: ad familiares 9,10,3; 15.17.2.