Pyl (family)

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Coat of arms of the Pyl family

The Pyl are a widespread family of academics in Western Pomerania who have produced numerous Protestant pastors , lawyers and doctors since the 17th century and for whom the city of Stralsund , later also the city of Greifswald, was an important center of life.

In 1410 a Berthold Pyl who probably immigrated from the Netherlands was granted citizenship in Stralsund. Berthold's son Paul became a businessman in Stralsund. His son Lucas, born in 1568, was the progenitor of all other prominent representatives of the Pyl family in Western Pomerania.

Lucas Pyl (1568–1616), pastor at St. Marien in Stralsund

Lucas Pyl (1602–1673), pastor at St. Jakobi in Stralsund
Lucas Pyl (1631–1682), pastor at St. Marien in Stralsund
Heinrich Pyl (* 1634), merchant in Stockholm
Johann Christoph Pyl, doctor in India and Copenhagen
Lucas Pyl, captain in the Swedish service, died in 1700 in the battle of Narva
Johann Pyl (1694–1768), merchant, lived in Russia, Stockholm and Stralsund
Gottfried Pyl (1641–1698), Mayor of Stralsund
Theodor Pyl (1647–1723), pastor to St. Nikolai in Greifswald
Christoph Pyl (1678–1739), Rector in Anklam and historical writer
Maria Margarethe Pyl (1726–1788) ∞ Johann Brandanus Engelbrecht
Theodor Pyl (1681–1723), lawyer in Greifswald
Theodor Pyl (1718–1759), doctor in Barth
Johann Theodor Pyl (1749–1794), doctor in Berlin
Paul Gottfried Pyl (1751–1830), lawyer in Greifswald
∞ Agnete Hagemeister (1759–1800), sister of Johann Gottfried Hagemeister and Emanuel Friedrich Hagemeister :
Gottfried Theodor Pyl (1791–1853), lawyer in Greifswald
Theodor Pyl (1826–1904), historian in Greifswald
∞ Sophie Gesterding († 1829), daughter of Christoph Gottfried Nicolaus Gesterding :
Wilhelm Pyl (1803–1863) ∞ Friederike Hagemeister
Pauline Pyl (1804–1833) ∞ Johann Carl Heinrich Hagemeister
Gottfried Pyl (1690–1748), pastor to St. Nikolai in Greifswald


  • Family table of the Pyl in the digital library Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
  • Heinrich Berghaus : Land book of the Duchy of Pomerania and the Principality of Rügen. Contains a description of the state of these countries in the second half of the 19th century. Part 4: Land book of New Western Pomerania and the island of Rügen. Volume 1: The Greifswald district according to its general conditions, as well as in particular the historical-statistical description of the city of Greifswald and the Royal University there. W. Dietze, Anklam 1866, pp. 892–905 ( digitized version )
  • Genealogical handbook of middle class families. A German gender book. First volume. Mahler, Charlottenburg 1889, ZDB -ID 809-6 , pp. 251-257.