Quinibert Schwahn

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Quinibert Schwahn (born January 15, 1896 in Mainz ; † May 16, 1984 ibid) was first alderman or mayor of the city of Mainz from 1949 to 1961.


Quinibert Schwahn studied law and economics at the Albert Ludwigs University in Freiburg and at the Julius Maximilians University in Würzburg . After his military service 1916–1918 he was a trainee lawyer from 1919 and received his doctorate in 1920. In 1922 he began his service as a court assessor in the legal department of the Mainz city administration. In 1923 he was the town of Syndikus . He was a member of the Center Party and, since he refused to join the NSDAP , he was dismissed from service in 1934. He then worked as a lawyer until the beginning of the Second World War . After returning home from military service, he returned to the service of the city of Mainz in 1945, was promoted to the higher rights council and appointed to the welfare department. In 1946 he was one of the founders of the CDU Mainz and in the same year became the city's second honorary councilor. In 1949 he was elected First Alderman. He held this office - later called “mayor” - until his retirement in 1961. During his term of office, he headed the departments for social affairs, finance and real estate as well as the legal office. For his services, the city awarded him the City of Mainz Ring of Honor in 1976 on his 80th birthday.

Individual evidence

  1. Allgemeine Zeitung , Mainz, January 23, 1981: Dr. Q.Schwahn: A man from the very beginning .
  2. Martina Knichel: The Society for Middle Rhine Church History. History of its 50th anniversary . Mainz 1998, p. 81 f . (Short biography of Quinibert Schwahn).