Rüdiger Schneidewind

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Rüdiger Schneidewind

Rüdiger Schneidewind (born June 26, 1968 in Saarlouis ) is a German local politician ( SPD ). He has been Lord Mayor of the district and university town of Homburg since 2014 .

education and profession

Rüdiger Schneidewind grew up in Dillingen and graduated from the Robert-Schuman-Gymnasium in 1989 . After doing community service in youth work from 1989 to 1991, he first studied television technology at the Wiesbaden University of Applied Sciences until 1991 and then switched to studying mathematics and social studies for teaching until December 1993. After growing social and political commitment, however, he decided to work as a full-time politician.


Schneidewind had already joined the Greens at the age of 19 and counted himself among their realo wing. In 1994 he became managing director of Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen and then parliamentary group leader until August 1998. On September 1, 1998, he became an alderman for the city of Homburg and in 1999 switched to the SPD . In 2006 he was elected full-time alderman of the city of Homburg for a second term with a large majority.

When he was elected Mayor of Homburg on May 25, 2014, he received 42.6 percent of the vote and could not stand up to his three opponents Peter Fuchs (CDU, 31.8%), Marc Piazolo (non-party "Alliance of Vernuft", supported by the Greens, 17.8%) and Barbara Spaniol (Left, 7.8%) with the required absolute majority in the first ballot. In the runoff election on June 8, 2014, which became necessary, Schneidewind emerged victorious with 55.6 percent (7721 votes) against Peter Fuchs (6165 votes). On October 1, 2014, Schneidewind succeeded Karlheinz Schöner as Lord Mayor of Homburg.

In May 2016, Schneidewind gained national fame when it became public that he had several employees of the construction depot of the city of Homburg monitored by a detective agency on suspicion of labor and criminal offenses. The city of Homburg, which has to implement urgent austerity measures, had to pay a six-figure sum for this monitoring, which caused some severe criticism of Schneidewind.

The responsible local authority came to the conclusion that Schneidewind has violated local law and will therefore open disciplinary proceedings against him. In February 2018, the Saarbrücken public prosecutor brought charges against the mayor on suspicion of breach of trust, as a large part of the surveillance was economically worthless for the city and thus criminally relevant damage was caused to the city. As part of this indictment, he was sentenced to 15 months probation and a fine of ten thousand euros on February 21, 2019, which means that if the verdict becomes final , he will have to leave office. His defenders but revision appealed against this judgment. On March 27, 2019, he was officially suspended by the responsible state administration office until the end of his revision procedure .


In addition to his work in politics, Rüdiger Schneidewind is the first guild master of the Homburg fools' guild . He is married with a daughter and lives separated from his wife.


  • OB candidates in portrait, today: Rüdiger Schneidewind , Saarbrücker Zeitung from April 2, 2014
  • Change at the top of the management: Rüdiger Schneidewind succeeds Karlheinz Schöner , Wochenspiegel (Homburg edition) No. 40, October 1, 2014
  • Infidelity trial of Homburg's Lord Mayor Rüdiger Schneidewind, Saarbrücker Zeitung on January 29, 2019

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Lord Mayor Schneidewind turns 50 today. In: saarbruecker-zeitung.de, June 26, 2018
  2. Investigators felt Homburg town hall chief. In: saarbruecker-zeitung.de, April 12, 2017
  3. ^ Indictment against Homburg mayor in detective affair. In: Saarbrücker Zeitung, February 2, 2018, p. A1
  4. Trial: suspended sentence for the Lord Mayor of Homburg. In: welt.de, as of February 21, 2019