Rüdiger von Baehr

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Rüdiger von Baehr (born  September 11, 1941 in Landsberg an der Warthe ; † June 21, 2012 in Berlin ) was a German internist and immunologist . From 1983 to 1994 he was director of the Institute for Medical Immunology at the Charité in Berlin. With Niels Sönnichsen he was one of the leading AIDS researchers in the GDR .


Rüdiger von Baehr was born in Landsberg an der Warthe in 1941 and studied medicine , which he completed in 1967 with a doctorate on the subject of “Comparison of the training and the extinction of a conditional escape reflex in rats using the example of the effect of 0.1 mg / kg reserpine on both mechanisms ” at the University of Leipzig . He then worked at the local medical clinic as a scientific assistant and trained as a specialist in internal medicine . He later switched to the Institute for Vaccines of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the GDR (AdL) in Dessau as a research assistant .

In 1975 he was at the University of Leipzig to preparation of the habilitation thesis "The receptors of lymphocytes and their significance for the immune regulation" in the subject "Medical Immunology" habilitation . Four years later, he was appointed professor at the AdL. In 1983 he became a full professor for medical immunology at the Humboldt University in Berlin and director of the Institute for Medical Immunology at the Charité . From 1994 he worked as a resident internist in Berlin and was also a member of the scientific advisory board of laboratory diagnostic facilities in Frankfurt (Oder) and Greifswald . He died in Berlin in 2012.

Scientific work

Rüdiger von Baehr's research activities focused on the immunodeficiency disease AIDS and other immune defects. In addition, he dealt with the role of T-lymphocytes in infectious diseases and allergies , immunological aspects in cancer diseases and immunological diagnostics. From 2006 he was a member of the board of directors of the German Borreliosis Society and was its third chairman until his death.


In 1977, Rüdiger von Baehr and other scientists received the GDR National Prize, Second Class for Science and Technology, and was a corresponding member of the GDR Academy of Sciences from 1990 . From 1993 to 1998 he was a member of the Leibniz Society .

Works (selection)

  • Monoclonal Antibodies: Use in Medicine. Vienna and New York 1989
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS): an overview with tips for laboratory diagnostics. Bonn 2000


  • Baehr, Rüdiger von . In: Werner Hartkopf:The Berlin Academy of Sciences. Its members and award winners 1700–1990. Akademie Verlag, Berlin 1992,ISBN 3-05-002153-5, p. 13.
  • Kurt E. Müller: On the death of Prof. Dr. med. Rüdiger von Baehr. In: DBG Mitteilungen. 4/2012. Published by the German Borreliose Society, p. 12.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Douglas Selvage, Christopher Nehring: The AIDS Conspiracy: The Ministry of State Security and the KGB's AIDS disinformation campaign . The Federal Commissioner for the Records of the State Security Service of the Former German Democratic Republic, Berlin 2014, ISBN 978-3-942130-76-9 , p. 89