Radio 538

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Infobox radio tower icon
Radio 538
Station logo
Radio transmitter ( private law )
reception analog terrestrial ( VHF ), digital terrestrial ( DAB ), cable , Internet
Reception area NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands
Start of transmission December 11, 1992
owner Talpa Media
executive Director John de Mol
List of radio stations
Radio 538 advertising poster

Radio 538 ( Dutch to pronounce: vijf-drie-eight ) is a private radio broadcaster from the Netherlands . It is the most listened to radio station in the Netherlands and achieved an audience rate of 10.8% in August / September 2010.


Broadcasting began on December 11, 1992 from a villa in Bussum . In 1994 the broadcaster - together with Sky Radio - applied in vain for a terrestrial frequency, which is why a signature campaign was carried out and 320,000 signatures were collected for distribution via antenna. Until 1995, Radio 538 broadcast exclusively in the cable network. In 1995 Radio 538 received the required FM frequency, and since 2003 it has been broadcasting nationwide on frequencies between 102.0 and 102.9 MHz .

As of May 23, 2005, the station was owned by Talpa Media from John de Mol . In June 2007, the television group RTL Radio 538 took over. In return, John de Mol acquired a 26.3 percent stake in RTL Netherlands via Talpa . These shares were sold again by Talpa Media in 2011, and in exchange they got the station back in January 2012.

The name Radio 538 is derived from the former wavelength of Radio Veronica , which broadcast from the sea in the 1970s (538 meters on medium wave, approx. 557 kHz).

Radio 538 is currently broadcasting from the media center of the Hilversum municipality , a suburb of Amsterdam.

From September 2012 , the station was only called 538 , but has now switched back to Radio 538 . 538 remains an unofficial name.


Radio 538 is a so-called " contemporary hit radio program" primarily for younger listeners. A 24-hour program is offered, consisting of dance , house , techno , R&B and current hits supplemented with information and entertainment from DJs .

The station achieved international fame with the “Dance Department” program, a club format in which the world's best-known DJs play exclusive mixes. Among others Sven Väth , Tom Novy , Tiësto , David Guetta and many more. At the same time, the program is also available for download as a podcast on the Internet. The Dance Department will be moderated by Dennis Ruyer .

In addition, the Dutch hit listNederlandse Top 40 ” is presented and played every Friday afternoon on Radio 538.

In addition, a new song called “Alarmschijf” ( alarm disc ) is nominated every week that is expected to be a hit. This title will then be played increasingly during the week according to the principle of heavy rotation and announced each time with a short jingle sound. The same principle also applies to “Dance Smash”, in which a track is selected from the dance genre.


Since Zerobase 2003, Radio 538 has been broadcast on a nationwide VHF chain almost throughout the Netherlands. With one exception, the program is broadcast exclusively on frequencies in the range between 101.9 MHz and 102.7 MHz. The station can also be received in the Netherlands via cable network and throughout Europe via the Astra satellite via DVB-S and worldwide as a live stream on the Internet. Other reception options, albeit chargeable, are available for KPN and Vodafone mobile customers through broadcasting via UMTS and broadcasting via DVB-T .

Due to the lack of VHF frequencies in the Limburg area, the program for South Limburg was broadcast on medium wave 891 kHz from the transmitter location Hulsberg with 20 kilowatts of transmission power and could therefore also be received in larger parts of North Rhine-Westphalia and at night in large parts of Germany .

Sister programs

Since 1999, operates Radio 538 the hip-hop - and R & B -Internetsender Juize , in the July 18, 2004 Juize FM was converted. Since July 1, 2005 it can be received in most of the Dutch cable networks. In 2008 the station was renamed to 538 Juize .


Individual evidence

  1. Nieuwe Luistercijfers bekend (aug / sept 2010). Mediabureau ZIGT, October 28, 2010, retrieved on May 19, 2011 (Dutch): "Radio 538 is no longer marketable en stijgt door van 10.3% naar 10.8% marktaandeel."
  2. Talpa verkoopt belang in RTL in ruil voor 538. In: Novum / RadioWereld.NL, July 28, 2011, accessed February 6, 2012 (Dutch).
  3. Frequenties. FM Frequenties. (No longer available online.) Radio 538, archived from the original on May 18, 2011 ; Retrieved on May 19, 2011 (Dutch): "891 AM Limburg" Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. Radio 538 niet meer te listen via AM 891 in Zuid-Limburg . In: Radio.NL . ( [accessed September 23, 2018]).

Web links

Commons : Radio 538  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files