Rafa Galindo

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Rafael Ernesto Galindo Oramas ( Rafa Galindo ; born October 24, 1921 in La Victoria , † May 25, 2010 in Caracas ), known as El trovador de la radio , was a Venezuelan singer.

Galindo began his musical career in 1936 and had initial success with songs by Aldemaro Romero , Billo Frómeta , Chucho Sanoja , Ángel Briceño , Guillermo Castillo Bustamante and Renato Capriles . He became a member of the Trío Antillano and a little later of the Orquesta de los Hermanos Rivas . At eighteen he joined the Orquesta Venezuelan Boys , and seven years later he received a contract from the Billo Caracas Boys , with whom he worked until 1946.

He then performed in Colombia at the La Reina nightclub and for a short time in Panama, and on his return to Venezuela he joined the orchestra of Luis Alfonzo Larrain . He also worked with musicians such as Graciela Naranjo and Manolo Monterrey . He then returned to Billo Frómeta and founded the Sans Souci Orchestra with Víctor Pérez in 1960 . In 1963 Renato Capriles brought him to his orchestra Los Melódicos , where he performed with Emilita Dago , Rafa Pérez and Manolo Monterrey.

In 1964 the Los Melódicos Orchestra released an album with arrangements by Gilberto Martínez and Stelio Bosch Cabrujas for the twenty-fifth anniversary of Galindo and Monterrey . He later toured Venezuela for eight years with Pérez and a seven-man dance orchestra. Then he participated in the founding of the La Tremenda orchestra with the Colombian singer Doris Salas . In the 1980s he took part as a soloist in several Bolero festivals.

Galindo played with appearances on the stations La voz de Philco , Radio Continente , Radio Caracas radio , Estudios Universo , Radio mía , La voz de la esfera and Radiodifusora Venezuela in programs such as La Caravana York , La Caravana Camel , Variedades Esso and La Canción Palmolive played a significant role in the history of Venezuelan radio as El trovador de la radio .
