Randi Blehr

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Randi Blehr

Randi Blehr (born February 12,  1851 , † June 13, 1928 ) was a Norwegian suffragette, pacifist and liberal politician. She was president of Norsk Kvinnesaksforening (NKF) from 1895 to 1899 and again from 1903 to 1922 and was a co-founder of the humanitarian organization Norske Kvinners Sanitetsforening (NKS). She also became president of the Norske Kvinners Fredsforbund in 1903. Randi Blehr was married to the Norwegian Prime Minister Otto Albert Blehr and performed representative duties for Norway. During her life she was one of the most influential political lobbyists in her country.


  • King's Medal of Merit in Gold (1921)
