Rancid funnel

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Rancid funnel
Clitocybe phaeophthalma 170827w.JPG

Rancid funnel ( Singerocybe phaeophthalma )

Class : Agaricomycetes
Subclass : Agaricomycetidae
Order : Mushroom-like (Agaricales)
Family : Knight relatives (Tricholomataceae)
Genre : Singerocybe
Type : Rancid funnel
Scientific name
Singerocybe phaeophthalma
( Pers .) Harmaja

The rancid funnel ( Singerocybe phaeophthalma, syn . Clitocybe phaeophthalma , Clitocybe hydrogramma ) is a type of mushroom from the family of knight relatives (Tricholomataceae). The fruiting bodies appear in deciduous forests from September to November and grow there in the leaf litter. The rancid funnel contains muscarin and is therefore poisonous.


Macroscopic features

The hat is 4–7 cm wide, depressed flat and slightly nibbled in the middle. The edge is more or less fluttered and grooved to be very translucent when wet. The horn-brown to gray-brown colored hat sometimes has a yellowish tint and fades whitish when it dries up. The hygrophan yet matt surface is predominantly fine-velvety and not smeary.

The rather distant lamellae are at least when damp, more gray than white and run down the handle for a short time. The spore powder is white and inamyloid .

The smooth, straight-grained stem is about the same color as the hat. It is approximately 5 cm long and 0.5 cm wide. The stem base is curly-tomentose. The mushroom smells more or less earthy to rancid and floury and tastes bitter. The smell is strongly reminiscent of the musty smell of a chicken coop with a sweetish-rancid component.

Microscopic features

The ellipsoid to drop-shaped spores are 5.5–7 µm long and 3–4.5 µm wide, colorless-hyaline, smooth and inamyloid. A special feature are numerous swollen, intercalary cells with refractive content in the top layer of the hat (see figure below right), which also differentiate the entire genus Singerocybe from the genus of the funnel-shaped species ( clitocybe ).

Swollen cells of the
top layer of the hat of Singerocybe phaeophthalma

Species delimitation

The representatives of the genus Singerocybe can be easily identified with the aid of the microscope on the basis of the conspicuous vesicles up to 30 × 20 µm in size with refractive content, which occur in large numbers in the top layer of the hat. Only two species are known from Europe: the Rancid Funnelling and Singerocybe viscida. The latter is a colonist of boreal coniferous forests and has been described from Finland as growing in spruce needle litter. It differs from the rancid funnel not only in its habitat but also in its paler colors, a damp, greasy hat, spores with a larger length-thickness ratio and more densely standing lamellae that also anastomize at the bottom. Its spore dimensions are 5–5.7 × 2.6–3.7 µm.

Representatives of other genera with funnel-like fruiting bodies (e.g. Clitocybe ) can recognize the Rancid Funnel and Singerocybe viscida by their strikingly sweet-rancid odor. In case of doubt, the determination can be checked by microscopic examination of the hat cover layer.

Ecology and diffusion

The rancid funnel is common and grows in deciduous forests in the leaf litter and prefers basic soils. The fruiting bodies appear from September to November.


The genus Singerocybe contains seven species worldwide. Due to the conspicuous, refractive, swollen cells of the top layer of the hat, Harri Harmaja created a genus of its own with Singerocybe in the 80s of the last century , in order to place corresponding species from the genus of the funnel-shaped ( Clitocybe ) there. The funnellings in the narrow sense belong to the family of knight relatives (Tricholomataceae), which is genetically secured, while in the broader sense they are polyphyletic. The genus Singerocybe and thus also the Rancid Funnelling is genetically somewhat distant from the Funnellingen in the narrow sense, but still belongs to the same family in the broader sense. With a narrower definition of knight relatives (then in the narrower sense) the funnellings and also the representatives of the genus Singerocybe would have to be placed in a separate family. For this reason, the assignment to a family within the mushroom-like (Agaricales) is left open by some authors as incertae sedis .


The rancid funnel contains muscarin and is therefore poisonous.


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Jiao Qin, Bang Feng, Zhu L. Yang, Yan-Chun Li, David Ratkowsky: The taxonomic foundation, species circumscription and continental endemisms of Singerocybe: evidence from morphological and molecular data . In: Mycologia . tape 106 , no. 5 , September 2014, ISSN  0027-5514 , p. 1015-1026 , doi : 10.3852 / 13-338 .
  2. a b c d Marcel Bon : Parey's book of mushrooms . Kosmos, Stuttgart 2005, ISBN 3-440-09970-9 , pp.  140 (English: The mushrooms and tools of Britain and Northwestern Europe . Translated by Till R. Lohmeyer).
  3. a b c d Ewald Gerhardt: Mushrooms. Volume 1: Lamellar mushrooms, pigeons, milklings and other groups with lamellas (=  spectrum of nature / BLV intensive guide ). BLV, Munich / Vienna / Zurich 1984, ISBN 3-405-12927-3 , p. 61 .
  4. a b c d e f g h Harri Harmaja: Studies on the agaric genera Singerocybe n. Gen. And Squamanita . In: Karstenia . tape 27 , 1988, pp. 71-75 .
  5. a b Mao-Qiang He, Rui-Lin Zhao, Kevin D. Hyde, Dominik Begerow, Martin Kemler, Andrey Yurkov, Eric HC McKenzie, Olivier Raspe, Makoto Kakishima, Santiago Sánchez-Ramírez, Else C. Vellinga, Roy Halling, Viktor Papp, Ivan V. Zmitrovich, Bart Buyck, Damien Ertz, Nalin N. Wijayawardene, Bao-Kai Cui, Nathan Schoutteten, Xin-Zhan Liu, Tai-Hui Li, Yi-Jian Yao, Xin-Yu Zhu, An-Qi Liu, Guo-Jie Li, Ming-Zhe Zhang, Zhi-Lin Ling, Bin Cao, Vladimír Antonín, Teun Boekhout, Bianca Denise Barbosa da Silva, Eske De Crop, Cony Decock, Bálint Dima, Arun Kumar Dutta, Jack W. Fell , József Geml, Masoomeh Ghobad-Nejhad, Admir J. Giachini, Tatiana B. Gibertoni, Sergio P. Gorjón, Danny Haelewaters, Shuang-Hui He, Brendan P. Hodkinson, Egon Horak, Tamotsu Hoshino, Alfredo Justo, Young Woon Lim, Nelson Menolli Jr., Armin Mešić, Jean-Marc Moncalvo, Gregory M. Mueller, László G. Nagy, R. Henrik Nilsson, Machiel Noordeloos, Jorinde Nuytinck, Takamichi Orihara, Cheewangkoon Ratchadawan, Mario Rajchenberg, Alexandre GS Silva-Filho, Marcelo Aloisio Sulzbacher, Zdenko Tkalčec, Ricardo Valenzuela, Annemieke Verbeken, Alfredo Vizzini, Felipe Wartchow, Tie-Zheng Wei, Michael Weiß, Chang-Lin Zhao, Paul M. Kirk: Notes, outline and divergence times of Basidiomycota . In: Fungal Diversity . tape 99 , no. 1 , November 2019, ISSN  1560-2745 , p. 105-367 , doi : 10.1007 / s13225-019-00435-4 ( springer.com ).
  6. ^ A b P. Brandon Matheny, Judd M. Curtis, Valérie Hofstetter, M. Catherine Aime, Jean-Marc Moncalvo: Major clades of Agaricales: a multilocus phylogenetic overview . In: Mycologia . tape 98 , no. 6 , November 2006, ISSN  0027-5514 , p. 982-995 , doi : 10.1080 / 15572536.2006.11832627 .
  7. ^ A b c Marisol Sanchez Garcia: Systematics, diversity and evolution of the suborder Tricholomatineae (Agaricales). PhD diss., University of Tennessee . Ed .: University of Tennessee. 2016, p. 1-165 ( tennessee, edu ).
  8. ^ Haberl B., Kleber JJ, Zilker Th .: Gifttrichterlinge. In: www.toxinfo.org. 2000, accessed April 2, 2020 .

Web links

Commons : Rancid Funnel ( Clitocybe phaeophthalma )  - Album with pictures, videos and audio files