Reinhard Falter

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Reinhard Falter (* 1960 in Munich ) is a historian and natural philosopher. It is associated with politically right-wing and esoteric thoughts in folk tradition.

Life and philosophy

After graduating from high school in Munich, he studied philosophy and history there and in Darmstadt. From 1989 to 1994 he was the spokesman for the working group on rivers in Bavaria . He succeeded in causing parts of the Isar to be renatured. Since 1986 he has been a lecturer at adult education centers, mainly at the Munich adult education center . He is co-founder and chairman of the Institute for Natural Philosophical Practice (INAP). His neo-pagan philosophy is the basis of his commitment to nature conservation. He is influenced by the circle of Munich cosmists around Ludwig Klages and the mystagogue Alfred Schuler , in which Stefan George also took part. In July 2014, he was awarded a PhD from the University of Nordland (Bodø / Norway) with the paper rethinking nature. PhD.

Falter is a book author and provider of esoteric seminars on the interpretation of human soul life in scenic categories and, conversely, the landscape as a game of the basic characters of being (gods of the religion of experience). To this end, he has published an article Nature as a mirror and frame in the yearbook Psycho-logik published by Alber Verlag . He represents a nature conservation idea that emphasizes the preservation of beauty and authenticity of nature. Falter stands in the tradition of homeland and landscape protection , which he enriches with an ancient, neo-pagan "natural philosophy" ( genius loci ). With reference to Rudolf Bahro's logic of salvation , he relies on a spiritual elite who have understood these connections, while the interests of the majority come from the needs and interests of reduced individuals. Falter represents a conservative revolution and wants to be prepared for a coming eco-apocalypse also for the support and employment of a dictatorship.

Together with the Norwegian philosopher Anders Lindseth and in exchange with the biologist Michael Beleites (the friendship goes back to the cross-block eco-work of the 1980s) he developed a philosophy of letting-be-nature or thinking positively of nature (not negative as “not made by man ”) or working through being instead of doing as a principle of nature. As of 2006, the name for this will appear “Structurivity”, an artificial word coined by the medical historian Manfred Porkert to denote a medium between activity and passivity that comes close to what is the operating principle in traditional East Asian thinking.

Falter deals with ancient numismatics, especially with the coinage of Roman provinces. His specialty includes river deities on ancient coins. In 2009, part of his collection was published under the title Salus Provinciarum - A Collection of River God Representations on Coins of the Roman East . He also writes articles for journals such as Geldgeschichtliche Nachrichten, moneytrend, The Celator, coins and paper money . The essays include the eight-part series Introduction to ancient numismatics with collector's eyes .


  • Ludwig Klages : Philosophy of Life as a Critique of Civilization , Telesma-Verlag, Munich 2003, ISBN 978-3833006784 .
  • Rethinking nature: experience, meaning, meaning - the foundations of natural philosophy practice. Drachen-Verlag, Klein Jasedow 2003, ISBN 978-3927369085 .
  • Why is Bavaria different? Via Verbis Bavarica, Taufkirchen 2006, ISBN 3-935115-21-0 .
  • Nature shapes culture: the influence of landscape and climate on people; on the history of geophilia. Telesma-Verlag, Munich 2006, ISBN 978-3-9810057-1-4 .
  • Halved Goethe - Critique of Anthroposophical Concepts of Nature. Natur und Mensch 6/2000, pp. 22-29.
  • What is the environmental problem? Scheidewege 35 (2005/06), pp. 348-363 (also online ).
  • Nature as a mirror and frame . Psycho-Logic, Vol. 1 (2006), pp. 219-237.

Various essays z. B. in the Pagan yearbooks , the yearbook Aufgang, yearbook for thinking, poetry music , the magazines Novalis and Hagia Chora , as well as the reports of the ANL .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Ulrich Linse : "Fundamentalist" Heimatschutz. Reinhard Falter's “natural philosophy”. In: Uwe Puschner, G. Ulrich Großmann (ed.): Völkisch und national. On the topicality of old thought patterns in the 21st century. Knowledge Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt 2009, ISBN 978-3-534-20040-5 , pp. 159-178, quotation p. 171.
  2. Moneytrend, issues 1/2006, 2/2006, 5/2006, 9/2006, 11/2006 2/2007, 4/2007, 6/2007.
  3. ^ Longing in mythical thinking , Aufgang 2 (2005), pp. 56–82; The river plays , Aufgang 3 (2006), pp. 34–52; Transitions into the nocturnal , Aufgang 4 (2007), pp. 83–110; Horizont Quelle Berg und Fluß, Aufgang 5 (2008), pp. 75–99.
  4. Our relationship to nature in the mirror of history , reports of ANL 25 (2001), pp. 27–48; Ties to the homeland and nature conservation: The example of the upper Isar , reports from ANL 26 (2002), pp. 133–150; What use is natural ethics for nature conservation? Reports of ANL 27 (2003), pp. 5–28; Alwin Seifert. The biography of nature conservation in the 20th century , reports of the ANL 28 (2004), pp. 69-104; Between wilderness and democracy. For an understanding natural science as the basis of nature conservation , reports of ANL 30 (2006), pp. 53–68.