Reinhard Weisbach

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Reinhard Weisbach

Reinhard Weisbach (born July 8, 1933 in Waldesruh near Berlin ; † November 13, 1978 there ) was a literary scholar, essayist and poet.


Weisbach was a son of the employee and SPD member Victor Hugo Weisbach. He grew up in post-war Berlin and became a member of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany as early as 1948 . From 1951 to 1967 Weisbach worked as a teacher in East Berlin . In 1952 he married the future teacher Renate, b. Wiper; the marriage had four children.

From 1954 to 1959 Weisbach took a distance learning course in German at the University of Education in Potsdam . During this time he wrote his first poems. In 1966 he received his doctorate with a thesis on the early poetry of Brecht Dr. phil., in 1970 followed another dissertation to the Dr. paed. About university-appropriate didactics in the Abitur level of the adult education center .

From 1967 to 1970 he worked as deputy editor-in-chief of the magazine Weimarer Contributions , the monthly magazine for literary studies, aesthetics and cultural theory published by the Aufbau-Verlag since 1955. As a seminar leader at the annual central poetry seminars of the FDJ in Schwerin , Weisbach was involved from 1970 until his untimely death. He was also considered one of the supporters of the FDJ singing movement , for example the group of Karl's grandchildren .

From 1970 on, Weisbach was working group leader, later division manager, at the Central Institute for the History of Literature at the Academy of Sciences in East Berlin. In 1972 he visited Paris with the Berliner Ensemble . In the 1970s Weisbach took part in international writers' encounters and congresses, for example in the Soviet Union , Yugoslavia and Finland .

In 1972 he was awarded the Erich Weinert Medal and in 1973 the Artur Becker Gold Medal . In 1975 he was awarded the First Class Prize for Folk Art .

In May 1978 Weisbach took part in the 8th GDR Writers' Congress. In the same year he took over the management of the magazine Temperamente . Sheets for young literature .

In 1978 Weisbach died as a result of an accident in Waldesruh.


Literary writings

  • 1966 Reinhard Weisbach: The paradigm of the poem in "Bertolt Brecht's house postil": A contribution to the relationship of the young Brecht to tradition and expressionism. University thesis, Berlin.
  • 1968 A. Löffler, R. Weisbach (Ed.): Brecht special issue. Weimar contributions. Literary journal of the GDR. Construction publishing house in Berlin and Weimar.
  • 1969 W. Mittenzwei (co-author, ed.): Positions. Contributions to the Marxist literary theory of the GDR. Reclams Universal Library Leipzig.
  • 1969 R. Weisbach: Model of university-appropriate didactics in the Abitur level of the adult education center. University publication, Leipzig.
  • 1971 Ed. W. Mittenzwei, R. Weisbach (also co-author): Revolution und Literatur. On the relationship between heritage, revolution and literature. Reclams Universal Library Leipzig, Vol. 62; and: Röderberg-Verlag Frankfurt am Main, vol. 1.
  • 1972 Images of people, poets and poems. Essays on German socialist poetry. Aufbau-Verlag, Berlin and Weimar.
  • 1972 We and Expressionism. Studies on the confrontation of Marxist-Leninist literary studies with Expressionism. Akademie-Verlag Berlin.
  • 1972 poetry seminar. Special issue "Poetry album", laudation and selection.
  • 1974 Interview with Wilhelm Tkaczyk in: Information 2. Workshop discussions with GDR authors. Edited by Ingrid Hähnel and Siegfried Rönisch, Berlin / Weimar: Aufbau-Verlag, 1984
  • 1976 "I run ... I am." Comments on Rilke's Orpheus sonnets. in: Rilke studies. On the work and its impact. Construction publishing house in Berlin and Weimar.
  • 1979 The lyrical feature pages of the “People's State”. Poems of the Eisenach party (ed. And introduction), Akademie-Verlag Berlin.
  • 1979 Thoughts on the song theater "Karl's Enkel". In: Temperaments. Leaves for young literature 1/1979, Berlin: Verlag Neues Leben

Journal articles

  • 1975 theater as an instance of revolutionary world conscience. About the late Brecht and the tasks of the theater today and here In: Theater der Zeit 4/1975
  • 1984 theater - revolutionary and political authority. Four functions of socialist art from the perspective of the late Brecht In: Theater der Zeit 12/1984

Volumes of poetry

  • 1965 Message in a bottle from Köpenick. Construction publishing house in Berlin and Weimar.
  • 1971 word for word. Construction publishing house in Berlin and Weimar.
  • 1980 Reinhard Weisbach. Poesiealbum 155 series (laudation and selection by Erhard Scherner) Verlag Neues Leben Berlin.
  • 1980 Reinhard Weisbach. Pumpkin Seed Series Time Poems. (Selection Erhard Scherner) Damnitz Verlag Munich.

Poems in anthologies

  • 1957 Prisma Almanac. Berlin: Hinz-Druck, 1957.
  • 1965 spectrum. Quarterly for original graphics and poetry. 7th year, No. 27, Zurich 1965.
  • 1965 New texts. Almanac for German literature. Autumn 1965, Berlin, Weimar: Aufbau-Verlag, 1965 [Small ode about the above and below; Consolation song; Spring song; Chanson from the piece and the whole; Little song for you; Elegy about the summer; Elegy about the girl; Ballad of confession]
  • 1972 Olympic Games. Edited and comment by Rainer Kirsch and Manfred Wolter, Berlin and Weimar: Aufbau-Verlag 1972.
  • 1974 landscape of our love. Poems by authors of the GDR. Edited by Holger J. Schubert, Halle / Leipzig: Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 1974 [Drive, take and drive. 116 troches on 116 kilometers]
  • 1979 temperaments. Leaves for young literature 1/1979, Berlin: Verlag Neues Leben [from the series “Diary Leaves ”; Ode from that time; Greatness of the Russians; Spring song; Song of the northern summer; From going on and from the end; Attitude; I am happy to sit at my new table]
  • 1980 At this time I am living on earth. Poetry selection for students. Selection and compilation Paul Günter Krohn and Rotraud Wieland; Berlin: People and Knowledge, 1980, [Elegy on Death]
  • 1982 Literaturnaja uc'oba 3/1982. Literary-critical and socio-political journal of the Writers' Union of the USSR and the Central Committee of the Komsomol, [Detstvo = Early Years; Sabudetsja li ... = usefulness of forgetting]
  • 1984 Song of Being Different. Poems 1945 - 1960. Edition Aurora, ed. And epilogue Cornelia Molle, Halle - Leipzig: Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 1984 [Elegy on the old and the new; Elegy about the fifties; Ode of immodesty]
  • 1985 Let the lovers love. Poems for peace. Edited by Wolfgang S. Lange, Berlin: Military Publishing House of the German Democratic Republic, 1985 [Greatness of the Russians]
  • 1988 I come from far. Youth and History in the GDR Poetry. Selection and preliminary remark: Mathilde Dau, Berlin: Verlag Neues Leben, 1988 [attitude]
  • 1999 poetry album 1967–1990. Poets from that country - with poems from that time. Edited by Katrin Pieper, Berlin: Verlag Neues Leben, 1999

Poems set to music

  • 1979 your name . On: Barbara Kellerbauer & Gruppe, AMIGA 8 45 160
  • 1979 your name . On: Barbara Kellerbauer & Gruppe: Schönhauser Allee, Stockfisch-Schallplatten SF 5022
  • 1996 attitude . On: Oktoberklub: life 1974 -1989, Nebelhorn Musik 033

Dubbing script

  • 1967 Aladdin's magic lamp, DEFA dubbed version 1967; Dialogue script; Original version: Wolschebnaja lampa Aladdina, Soviet Union 1967

Reinhard Weisbach Prize

Foundation purpose

From 1982 to 1989 the Central Council of the FDJ awarded the Reinhard Weisbach Prize, endowed with 1000 GDR marks, at the poetry seminar in Schwerin for special achievements around the aesthetically demanding and politically committed poem.

Award winners

  • 1982 Henry-Martin Klemt, poetry album 242 (1987)
  • 1983 Frank Viehweg
  • 1984 Asteris Kutulas (for his adaptations by Jannis Ritsos )
  • 1985 Udo Degener , poetry album No. 244 (1988)
  • 1986 Thomas Spaniel
  • 1987 Mike Schneider and Grit Lemke
  • 1988 Wolfram Kempe
  • 1989 Antje Ziebula

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ On horseback to the castle. (Ed. Waltraud Böhm). New life publishing house. Berlin 1986.