Reinhold Adam

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Reinhold Adam , also Adami or Adamus (* 1602 in the Electoral Palatinate ; † after 1653 ) was a prince educator and Calvinist theologian in Lithuania .


Reinhold Adam came from the Electoral Palatinate and studied theology at the University of Leiden .

Around 1620 he became professor of theology at the newly founded school in Sluzk by Krzysztof Radziwiłł , where he was the teacher of Janusz Radziwiłł .

Although his rhetoric and history manuals were approved for school use by the Vilnius Synod in 1629, they are believed to have never been printed. In 1630 he became a minister and at the request of Krzysztof Radziwiłł dismissed from school service so that he could go to Janusz Radziwiłł in Leipzig , who studied there, and watch over his education as a court preacher. Since there were disagreements with the university senate , Adam persuaded Janusz Radziwiłł to continue his studies in Altdorf near Nuremberg . This step was harshly criticized by Krzysztof Radziwiłł, so Janusz Radziwiłł and his entourage went to Leiden in April 1631 , where he stayed for two years.

After they returned to Lithuania in 1633, Adam remained a preacher at the side of Janusz Radziwiłł and was sent on some missions abroad, the goals of which are not known. So he went to Paris in 1636 .

In 1642, at the request of Janusz and Bogusław Radziwiłł, the Vilnius Synod gave him the inspection of both secondary schools in Lithuania, namely in Sluzk and Kėdainiai . Since he settled as a librarian at the court of Janusz Radziwiłł in Kėdainiai , he took care of the local school. So he wrote the school program in 1647.

In 1644 he took part in the General Synod of Orla and in 1645 in the Thorner Religious Discussion , of which he reported to the Synod of Vilnius in 1646.

After 1653 his traces are lost in the sources.


  • Laudation funebris , 1630


  • Stanisław Knot: Adam Rejnold . In: Polski Słownik Biograficzny . tape 1 . Krakow 1935, p. 23-24 .
  • Адам (Адамус, Adamus) Рэйнальд . In: Вялікае Княства Літоўскае. Знцыклапедія ў двух тамах . 2nd Edition. tape 1 . Minsk 2007, ISBN 978-985-11-0393-1 , pp. 204 .