Reinhold Broske

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Reinhold Broske (born July 21, 1901 in Mittweide, Brandenburg , † January 15, 1979 in Dresden ) was a German clergyman and Spreewald dialect poet.


Reinhold Broske was born in 1901 as the son of a bricklayer and had three younger brothers. After attending elementary school, he helped in the family farm. When the father was drafted in 1914 and the grandfather died in 1915, he had to look after the family. On March 20, 1920 he began training as a deacon in the Evangelical Johannesstift in Berlin and on April 1, 1925 his service as a Protestant youth carer in Freiburg in Silesia . In 1927 he became a Protestant workers' secretary in Görlitz . On January 2, 1928, he married Hertha Herzberg († 1977), with whom he had a son, whom they named Karl-Heinz. From 1933 to 1964 Reinhold Broske was a district deacon in the parish of Görlitz. In the early 1940s he was briefly drafted into the military, but soon dismissed as unworthy of defense because of his “ half-Jewish ” wife. Towards the end of the war he was deployed in the Volkssturm on the Eastern Front. After being captured by Russia and Poland as a prisoner of war , he resumed his position as a district deacon.

Broske published his poems in the gazebo , in the Lübben district calendar and in a self-published volume Een Päckchen Lindenblietentee. Lusatian poems and stories . In addition, Richter & Munkelt published with and without grades in Lübben . Dorfmusekantenjeschichten .


  • Brigitte Haß: Reinhold Broske. A poet of the Spreewald dialect . In: Lübben home calendar 1995 . Lübbener Heimatverein e. V., Lübben 1994, pp. 30-33 (with a portrait photo).
  • Peter Walther (Ed.): Muses and Graces in the Mark. 750 years of literature in Brandenburg. Volume 2, A Historical Lexicon of Writers . Lukas-Verlag, Berlin 2002, ISBN 3-931836-69-X , p. 174.

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