René Pujol

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Amédée Ferdinand René Pujol (born May 15, 1878 in Bordeaux , France , † January 21, 1942 in Paris ) was a French screenwriter , film director , writer and librettist .


Pujol initially worked as a journalist and published books of scientific content as well as romance novels and crime novels in the early 1920s under the name René Pons. Adventure stories, it had particularly impressed him, some of them deal with pyrotechnic apart phenomena and the destruction of the planet, such as his work La Planète Invisible (German title The Invisible Planet , 1931) or his book Au Temps des Brumes dt (. The Time of Fog , 1932). There the earth is suffocated by a cloud taking away all light. Brian M. Stableford translated Pujol's novels Le Soleil Noir (Eng. The Black Sun , 1929), in which the surface of the planet becomes uninhabitable, and La Chasse aux Chimères (1932), in which a scientist who suffers from injuries he im World War I , finds out how to turn lead into gold and wants to make this secret available to all people against the bitter resistance of the rich and powerful.

Furthermore, Pujol wrote libretti for operas and wrote skits, often in collaboration with Charles-Louis Pothier and the poet Albert Willemetz. He is considered the first director to bring cinematographic adaptations or original works by the Scotto-Alibert duo to the screen. His film Les gangsters du château d'If is considered the worst adaptation of a musical for the cinema with songs that are totally artificially plated and seem to be cut from another film. On the other hand, the film offers moving evidence of the living conditions in Marseille in the 1930s, as captured in some almost documentary scenes.

In the 1930s, Pujol began working as a director and screenwriter. He made his first script for a short film. For the French version of the mistaken comedy Kopfüber ins Glück (French title Chacun sa chance ) by Hans Steinhoff , he was responsible as the director. In the French version, Jean Gabin was on the cast list, who started his screen career with this film. Pujol worked in the 1930s with Léon Mathot , André Berthomieu , Pierre Caron , Maurice Tourneur , Max Ophüls , Christian-Jaque and Richard Pottier , among others .

For the comedic drama Passé à vendre (1936) starring Jeanne Aubert and Pierre Brasseur , Pujol wrote the screenplay and directed it together with Aladar Laszlo. Pujol also wrote the screenplay, wrote the dialogues and directed the comedies Ça… c'est du sport and Le plus beau gosse de France (both 1938).

René Pujol died quite unexpectedly in 1942 at the age of 63.

Filmography (selection)

- Screenwriter, unless otherwise stated -

  • 1930: Je t'adore mais pourquoi (short film)
  • 1930: The King of the Nassau (Le roi des requilleurs)
  • 1930: Upside down into happiness (Chacun sa chance) + direction + lyrics
  • 1931: False shine and boot wax (Le roi du circage)
  • 1931: Bouboule: The knight at the wheel (La bande à Bouboule)
  • 1932: Conduisez-moi, Madame
  • 1933: Mirages de Paris
  • 1934: Un femme chipée
  • 1935: The withdrawal of love (Le train d'amour)
  • 1936: The past for sale (Passé à vendre) + director
  • 1937: The Skin of Another (La peau d'un autre) + director
  • 1937: La griffe du hasard
  • 1938: Titin des Martigues
  • 1938: Ça ... c'est du sport + director + lyrics + producer
  • 1938: Le plus beau gosse de France + director
  • 1939: The gangsters of château d'If (Les gangsters du château d'If) + direction
  • 1940: Bécassine
  • 1941: Fromont jeune et Risler aîné
  • 1942: Cartacalha, Queen of the Gypsies (Cartacalha, reine des gitans)
  • 1942: Défense d'aimer
  • 1945: I never pay ( Le roi des resquilleurs ; remake of the 1930 film "King of Nassau")

- as a director -

  • 1933: Tout pour rien
  • 1934: La dactylo se marie
  • 1936: Bach detective
  • 1937: Trois artilleurs au pensionnat
  • 1937: Un de la Canebière
  • 1938: Le plus beau gosse de France
  • 1939: Ma aunt dictateur
  • 1946: Faut ce qu'il faut (1940 film, released 1946)

- as a librettist -

  • 1930: Upside down into happiness (VT: Everyone has his chance, text on L'occasion )
  • 1931: Atout coeur (text on Si j'aismais )
  • 1931: Bouboule: The knight from the steering wheel (texts on C'est Pa… Pa… c'est parisien,
    J'aime tant vos yeux, Pour te prouver que je t'aime, Te voir!
  • 1935: Fanfare d'amour (text to A quoi bon vous dire ...? )
  • 1936: Marinella (texts on Marinella, Tchi-Tchi, J'aime les Femmes, c'est ma Folie,
    Laissez-moi vous Aimer, L'Amour est un Petit Jeu
  • 1938: Deux de la réserve (song)
  • 1975: The red ibis ( L'Ibis rouge , with Pujols Marinella )
  • 2004: Welcome to the Corsicans ( L'enquête corse , with Pujols Marinella )

Literature (selection)

- see books by Rene Pujol -

  • 1919: L'Homme qui gagne , illustrated original edition
  • 1921: Le Soleil noir , readings for everyone
  • 1928: SOS
  • 1929: Le Détective bizarre , Fayard
  • 1929: L'Héritage de Gengis Khan , Fayard
  • 1931: La Planète invisible , science and travel
  • 1931: Au temps des brumes , Sciences et Voyages
  • 1932: La Chasse aux chimères , editions of the Portiques
  • 1933: Le Resquilleur sentimental , Tallandier
  • 1933: Lévy-Durand, banquier , Tallandier
  • 1933: Le Mystère de la flèche d'argent
  • 1934: Amédée Pifle, reporter , Editions des Portiques
  • 1935: La Résurrection de M. Corme , editions de France, coll. À ne pas lire la nuit

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Authors: Pujol (René) sS Encyclopédie multimédia de la comédie musicale théatrale en France (French)
  2. René Pujol sS (French)
  3. Pujol, René sS (English)
  4. Chacun sa Chance sS (French)
  5. a b René Pujol information adS (French)
  6. Books by Rene Pujol sS (English)