Renate Oldermann

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Renate Oldermann, 2006

Renate Oldermann (* 1950 in Osnabrück ) is a German historian and author of various monographs and conference contributions on Protestant women's monasteries (formerly Catholic nunneries) in Lower Saxony . Until the year 2000 she carried the surname Oldermann-Meier.


After attending the primary school in Osnabrück and the high school Luisenschule in Essen , Renate Oldermann studied German and history at the Albert Ludwigs University in Freiburg and in Berlin. After the first state examination in Berlin in 1977, she initially worked as a lecturer in the department of German for foreigners at the Volkshochschule Berlin-Schöneberg . She then worked as a trainee teacher for secondary school at the Kleine Helle grammar school in Bremen . In 1983 she finished this legal traineeship with the second state examination. After parenting time and a training course for Archivarin on state archive Bremen she works since 1988 as Archivarin in the Klosterkammer Hannover supervised Lutheran monasteries and female pins Bassum (1988-1992), Kloster Lamspringe (1992-1993), Kloster Walsrode (1993-1994) and the women's pencils Börstel (1995–1998, 2003–2011) and Fischbeck (1998–2002 and since 2011).

In 2004 the doctorate to Dr. phil. at the University of Vechta with Bernd Ulrich Hucker with a thesis on the Walsrode Monastery on the subject of “From Canonism to Protestant Ladies Monastery. Social and theological historical foundations of life in a medieval-early modern convent ”.

Works (selection)


  • Studies on the history of Stift Börstel ( writings on the cultural history of the Osnabrück region, Volume 9). Osnabrück 1999.
  • Walsrode Monastery - From the canonical monastery to the Protestant women's monastery. Monastic women's life in the Middle Ages and in the early modern period . Temmen publishing house, Bremen 2004 ISBN 3-86108-045-1
  • Fischbeck Abbey - A religious community of women with a continuity of more than 1000 years ( Schaumburger Studies Volume 64). 2nd edition 2010. Verlag für Regionalgeschichte , Bielefeld, 2005, ISBN 978-3895348648
  • A canons maid in the Thirty Years War. The life of the Westphalian noblewoman Lucretia von Haren (1605-1675) . Verlag Böhlau, Cologne / Weimar / Vienna 2013 ISBN 978-3-412-21096-0
  • Praise to God and daily work. Real life and social structure of clergy women in the Middle Ages and in the early modern period using the example of the Börstel monastery ( Osnabrück historical sources and research, volume 52). Association for History and Regional Studies of Osnabrück , Osnabrück 2014 ISBN 978-3981379648
  • with Dagmar Köhler: Evangelisches Damenstift Fischbeck ( DKV-Kunstführer Volume 211). 2015, ISBN 978-3422024175
  • Sprouted from an ancient, respectable family ... The noble daughters in Fischbeck Abbey. - Origin, self-image and religious practice. Wallstein-Verlag, Göttingen 2019 ( Schaumburg contributions. Sources and representations on history, Volume 4). Historical working group for Schaumburg ISBN 978-3-8353-3458-8

Contributions in conference proceedings

  • Faithfulness and defense of privileges. Aspects of the Reformation in North German women's monasteries in: Peter Nitschke, Mark Feuerle (eds.), Imperium et Comitatus. The Reich and the Region, Festschrift for Bernd U. Hucker . Frankfurt a. M 2009, pp. 167-189. ISBN 978-3631589472
  • The church treasure of the former Lamspringe Benedictine monastery in: Hedwig Röckelein (Ed.), The Gandersheim Treasure in Comparison . Regensburg 2013, pp. 65–91. ISBN 978-3-7954-2638-5
  • Appropriation and acts of resistance in the Lamspringe Monastery , in: Rosaries and Soul Gardens. Education and piety in women's monasteries in Lower Saxony . Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel 2013, pp. 167–175. ISBN 9783447068130
  • Spiritual and social life in the century after the Reformation. Examples from Lower Saxony women's monasteries and foundations in: Hans Otte (Ed.), Evangelisches Klosterleben Göttingen . 2013 pp. 165–178. ISBN 9783847100669
  • Christian prayer As used in the monastery in Walszrode in: Wolfgang Brandis, Hans-Walter Stork (Ed.), Worldview and Reality of Life in the Lüneburg Monasteries . Berlin 2015, pp. 183–193. ISBN 978-3867322218
  • The process of confessionalization, its consequences for the Börstel monastery and other monasteries and monasteries in the Osnabrück region in: Susanne Tauss, Ulrich Winzer (Ed.) Living together? Reformation and denomination in the Prince Diocese of Osnabrück 1500 to 1700 . Münster 2017, pp. 227–243. ISBN 978-3830936008


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Symposium should answer questions about counts in Nordwest-Zeitung November 6, 2006
  2. 1st prize in the scientific work category with the essay "Three post-Reformation abbesses in Fischbeck Abbey" printed in the anthology Dorothea Biermann and Hans Otte: Women's Christianity Stories from Lower Saxony, Landeskirchliches Archiv Hannover 2003, pages 11-49. ISBN 3-9806265-3-9
  3. ^ Synod of the Confederation / Women's History Prize was awarded by the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hanover on September 27, 2002