Restart Europe Now!

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Restart Europe Now! is a political initiative. It was launched in January 2016 by people from politics, science and civil society. Your political orientation is progressive and pro-European.


The think tank was founded in response to a manifesto published in October 2015 that Gesine Schwan and several other people published in Zeit-online. In it, the authors complained about the state of the European Union and the crisis policy of the federal government composed of the SPD and CDU / CSU. The German dominance in Europe and the way in which the euro-member country Greece was dealt with in the debt crisis that has persisted since 2010 were particularly sharply criticized .

Idea and goals

With the establishment of Restart Europe Now! this criticism should be institutionalized in the form of an initiative. Their orientation is pro-European and non-partisan. The supporters from the SPD, Bündnis90 / Die Grünen and DIE LINKE come mainly from the left-wing party spectrum in Germany, or are non-party.

It is committed to the idea of ​​the European unification process, but calls for greater solidarity between the member states when aligning EU policy. The German federal government is given a key analytical role. The supply-oriented austerity policy largely implemented by the German government in the European debt crisis is seen as aggravating the crisis. The initiative itself advocates a more demand-oriented investment strategy. B. is to be financed through a joint European government bond.

During the refugee crisis that began in Europe in 2015, the think tank criticized the closure of the Balkan route and the EU-Turkey agreement as incompatible with basic European values. Instead, the initiative called u. a. an EU immigration and border policy and the introduction of a procedure through which EU municipalities can apply for financial EU support for the influx of refugees. In this way, communities z. B. with a negative demographic development the opportunity to take in refugees.

Appeal for founding and support

In a founding appeal, the initiative has been calling for support from citizens since June 2016. The first signatories include: a. Gesine Schwan , Klaus Barthel , Florian von Brunn , Franziska Brantner , Sebastian Dullien , Peter Eigen , Detlev Ganten , Jörg Hafkemeyer , Uwe-Karsten Heye , Reiner Hoffmann , Gustav Horn , Cansel Kiziltepe , Hans-Jürgen Misselwitz , Peter Ruhenstroth-Bauer , Gerhard Schick , Harald Schumann , Angelica Schwall-Düren , Dieter Spöri , Ralf Stegner , Johano Strasser , Axel Troost , Johanna Uekermann , Hans-Jürgen Urban , Antje Vollmer , Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul and Harald Wolf .

Individual evidence

  1. DIE ZEIT wrests control of Europe from the technocrats
  2. Essay by Gesine Schwan on the establishment of Restart Europe Now
  3. Neues Deutschland Politicians from the SPD, the Left and the Greens as well as trade unionists and intellectuals want »Restart Europe Now!«
  4. Greece finally needs light at the end of the tunnel
  5. A way out of the current European misery in refugee policy
  6. The DGB Chairman Reiner Hoffmann has signed the appeal "Restart Europe Now! - For a different European policy".
  7. ↑ Call for founding Restart Europe Now!