Robert Bakewell (geologist)

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Robert Bakewell (born March 10, 1767 (according to older information: 1768 ) in Nottingham ; † August 15, 1843 in Hampstead ) was an English geologist who was known for his geological textbooks, which appeared in several countries, including Germany.


Bakewell was known as a close observer; he was one of the first teachers in general and applied geology . His Introduction to Geology ( Introduction to Geology ) from 1813 contained a lot of sound information - including the first, though few details pointing geological map of the whole of England - and reached to 1838 five editions. In the various editions Bakewell switched from a more sober description of geological phenomena to a more poetic language, especially when describing fossils. The second edition was translated and published in Germany. The third and fourth editions were reprinted by Professor Silliman at Yale University . In the United States , a scientific controversy arose over an appendix that Silliman added to the American edition in an attempt to reconcile the texts of Genesis with the findings of geology.

Bakewell addition to his published Introduction to Geology another textbook in 1819, entitled Introduction to Mineralogy ( Introduction to mineralogy ). In 1823 he published a two-volume report of the observations he had made during a stay in the Tarentaise ( Travels comprising Observations made during a Residence in the Tarentaise ).


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References and comments

  1. ^ HS Torrens: Bakewell, Robert (1767–1843). In: Henry Colin Gray Matthew, Brian Harrison (Eds.): Oxford Dictionary of National Biography , from the earliest times to the year 2000 (ODNB). Oxford University Press, Oxford 2004, ISBN 0-19-861411-X , ( license required ), as of 2004
  2. Jennett Humphreys:  Bakewell, Robert (1768-1843) . In: Leslie Stephen (Ed.): Dictionary of National Biography . Volume 3:  Baker - Beadon. , MacMillan & Co, Smith, Elder & Co., New York City / London 1885, pp. 23 - 24 (English).
  3. ^ R. Bakewell: Introduction to Geology, together with a geology and mineral geography of England; after the second enlarged edition, frey translated and annotated by K H. Müller
  4. ^ Notes about county geological maps by William Smith, 1819-24. In: Old Hampshire Mapped. University of Portsmouth , accessed December 20, 2009 .
  5. ^ Ralph O'Connor: The earth on show: fossils and the poetics of popular science, 1802-1856 . University of Chicago Press, 2007, ISBN 0-226-61668-1 , pp. 128 f . ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  6. Genesis and Geology in America: The Cooper – Silliman – Stuart Debate, 1829-1839. 2008 Joint Meeting of The Geological Society of America, Session No. 276: History of the Influence of Religion on Geology and Geology on Religion . In: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs . tape 40 , no. 6 , 2008, p. 422 ( online abstract ).