Robert Großmann (District Administrator)

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Großmann as a military fox

Robert Grossmann (born May 22, 1884 in Sankt Amarin , Thann district , Reichsland Alsace-Lorraine , † April 24, 1938 in Bonn ) was a German administrative lawyer.


After graduating from high school in Strasbourg , Großmann renounced in 1903 as a military fox in the Corps Suevia Strasbourg . He distinguished himself as a senior . When he was inactive , he studied law at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg and the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn . From 1906 he was a trainee lawyer at the Strasbourg Regional Court . He passed the assessor examination in 1910 and switched from the administration of justice to the internal administration of the Reichsland. In 1911 he came to the presidium of the Lorraine district and the Metz police department as a government assessor . At the district administration Zabern (Lorraine) he was appointed government official on September 15, 1912 and mayor on August 1, 1914.

After three and a half years, he moved on 25 January 1918 as Councilor for the administration of Alsace-Lorraine. On April 15, 1918 he was appointed district director in Bolchen . With the Armistice of Compiègne (1918) the German administration of Alsace-Lorraine ended. Their officials were expelled, including Robert Großmann in December 1918. After an interlude in the Düsseldorf administrative district (March to November 1919), Großmann became district administrator in the Neuwied district in 1920 .

"Occupation and consequences of occupation, separatism and inflation, the effects of the Ruhr struggle and the global economic crisis, political radicalization and mass unemployment: Hardly any term of office was more difficult than that of District Administrator Robert Theodor Maria Großmann."

- Regine Siedlaczek

Close to the German Center Party , he was removed from office by the National Socialists on April 27, 1933 after the Reichstag election in March 1933 . On May 15, 1933, he was put into temporary retirement and ten months later into final retirement. Since he refused to join the NSDAP and then return to work, civil proceedings were initiated against him . The process ruined Großmann's family and health. He died in Bonn at the age of 53.


  • Wolfgang Dietz: Requirements and framework conditions for the term of office of District Administrator Robert Großmann (1919–1933) . Heimat-Jahrbuch des Landkreis Neuwied 1999, pp. 139–145.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 101/122
  2. a b c d Regine Siedlaczek: A district in crisis. Robert Theodor Maria Großmann takes over the office of district administrator at a difficult time . Rhein-Zeitung Kreis Neuwied of August 22, 2016, p. 12
  3. District of Neuwied (
  4. 200 years Neuwied district: The Nazis in power (2016)