Rocky Mountain Trench

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The Rocky Mountain Trench is a rift system immediately west of the North American Rocky Mountains .

physical geography

The Rocky Mountain Trench stretches over a distance of about 1,600 kilometers immediately west of the Rocky Mountains from Flathead Lake in Montana to the border between British Columbia and the Yukon Territory . Over a long stretch, it is the dividing line between the Rocky Mountains in the east and the Columbia Mountains and the Cassiar Mountains in the west. In the north, it goes in the Yukon Plateau in several grave breaks through, inter alia, in up to Alaska in executing the Tintina Trench . The ditch, which is between 20 and 25 kilometers wide and characterized by steep and terraced slopes, is a by-product of the uplift of the Rocky Mountains , despite partial glacial deformation.

Some of the most important river systems in the western Rocky Mountains drain it in parts. The following waters and passes are along the Rocky Mountain Trench:

Web links

Coordinates: 55 °  N , 123 °  W