Roger Hector de Pardaillan

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Roger Hector de Pardaillan de Gondrin († 1656 / 61 ), Marquis d' Antin , Comte de Miélan , was a French aristocrat and military.


Roger Hector de Pardaillan was the third son of Antoine-Arnaud de Pardaillan , Marquis d'Antin and Marquis de Montespan , and Paule de Saint-Lary de Bellegarde, daughter of Jean de Saint-Lary, Seigneur de Termes , and Anne de Villemur, Sister of Roger II. De Saint-Lary , Duc de Bellegarde , Pair de France and Grand Equestrian of France . He became Marquis d'Antin and Comte de Miélan on the death of his father in 1624, while his older brother became Marquis de Montespan.

He married Marie-Christine Zamet, heir to Jean Zamet , Baron de Murat, Maréchal de Camps and Armées du Roi, governor of Fontainebleau , and Jeanne de Goth by marriage contract on June 11, 1635 . It was she who brought the Pardaillan family the rights to the former Duchy of Épernon: she was the daughter of Jacques de Goth and Hélène de Nogaret, sister of Jean Louis de Nogaret de La Valette .

Roger Hector de Pardaillan was the Seneschal and Governor of Bigorre . On August 28, 1651, he was appointed Chevalier de l'Ordre de Saint-Esprit in gratitude for the services rendered during the sieges of Paris and Bordeaux , but there was no formal admission, since the next only on December 31, 1661 - and so that after his death - was made. On January 14, 1656 he was appointed to the State Council.


From his marriage to Marie-Christine Zamet he had four children:

