Raw Easter

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Original title Raw Easter
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1995
Age rating FSK 12
Director Michael Gutmann
script Mathias Dinter
production Manfred Heid ,
Mischa Hofmann ,
Philip Voges
music Rainer Michel
camera Johannes Geyer
cut Gisela Castronari

Happy Easter - don't panic, nothing happened! is a black comedy shot for television that made it to the cinema because of its great popularity. The film was shot in 1995 under the direction of Michael Gutmann .


Frieder Kopp and Sebastian Engel are best friends, interested in architecture and the same woman: Frieder's ex-girlfriend Inge. Frieder's favorite saying is: "Don't panic, nothing will happen."

Frieder works with Sebastian on construction. Fate has for today u. a. a fatal accident in the program, but by chance the two swap their jackets, and besides, Frieder is making coffee today for Sebastian, for once. So it happens that Schulz - one of the many servants of the realm of the dead - confuses his client. When Sebastian arrives at the smoking scene of the accident, Frieder comes towards him with a relieved "Don't panic, nothing happens.", But Sebastian only sees the corpse and cannot perceive the ghost's body. Schulz takes the completely amazed Frieder with him to the afterlife.

Because he is constantly addressed as "Mr. Engel", Frieder quickly notices that there is a mix-up here. Schulz already has several mistakes on his work list, and that's why he's ready to give Frieder seven more days in the world of the living. During this time he has to make sure that Sebastian takes the place intended for him.

Sebastian is now about to reveal his hitherto well hidden love to Inge. Inge has now also recognized that the shy Sebastian suits her a lot better than the Hallodri Frieder.

Frieder returns, and Sebastian - helpful as always - initially promises to cooperate in every way and to submit to his fate. Frieder even helps him to quickly win the architecture competition beforehand. Frieder gets bogged down, time is running out, and Sebastian's will to commit suicide decreases every day.

Sebastian's grandfather comes from the realm of the dead to save the messed up situation. Together with Sebastian he tries to steal a corpse in order to throw it down somewhere and present it to Schulz as Sebastian with his head shattered beyond recognition. Schulz is not so easily fooled and the company must be abandoned.

Since Sebastian can't do it, Inge finally takes the first step and makes him a declaration of love.

Frieder realizes that Sebastian will definitely not kill himself anymore, and uses harder means. He tries to kill Sebastian with an electrified door handle, but is so clumsy that he catches Inge. She is taken to the hospital, and two lives are at stake because Inge has been pregnant from Sebastian since last night.

Cardiac and respiratory arrest! But the power cord for the defibrillator is missing. Since Frieder is already dead, he doesn't mind electricity. He makes his body available as a conductor and Inge is saved.

Frieder's one week deadline has now expired. He has to go to the realm of the dead and accepts his fate. Since Schulz still owes him a favor, it doesn't take long before Frieder comes up with a rebirth as the son of Sebastian and Inge. One day the little one falls down while running and says: "Don't panic, nothing will happen."

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