Rolf Kruse (doctor)

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Rolf Kruse (born November 20, 1928 in Leipzig ; † February 27, 2010 ) was a German neuropediatrist and epileptologist .


After studying medicine and then music in Leipzig (where he was previously a member of the St. Thomas Choir ), he moved to the Federal Republic of Germany in 1950, continuing and completing medical studies in Heidelberg and Hamburg (until 1956). In 1964 he was recognized as a specialist in paediatrics; In 1965 he completed his habilitation in Heidelberg on the "myoclonic-astatic petit mal" (today's name: early childhood myoclonic-astatic epilepsy ) in Heidelberg. There was a close and friendly collaboration with the neuropediatrist and epileptologist Ansgar Matthes . In 1969, Kruse moved to the neuropediatric clinic at the Kehl-Kork Epilepsy Center, which had previously been founded by Matthes, and which they jointly managed and expanded until 1985, then from 1985 until his retirement in 1993 he managed the clinic together with the neuropediatrician and medical historian Hansjörg Schneble .


In 1968, Kruse drew attention to the osteopathia antiepileptica from a clinical point of view, one year after the first description by his Heidelberg pediatric radiologist Franz Schmid. In 1972, together with Ansgar Matthes, he initiated the founding of what would later become the “Society for Neuropediatrics”. In addition to numerous articles in specialist journals and book chapters, he was (co-) editor of several books and brochures in the field of neuropediatrics and epilepsy, including an epilepsy patient guide together with Matthes. From 1983 to 1985, Kruse was the first chairman of the German section of the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE; since 2004: German Society for Epileptology , DGfE). He was also President of the Historical Society in Kehl.



Individual evidence

  1. B. Steinhoff : Obituary for Rolf Kruse . In: Z Epileptol . tape 23 , 2010, p. 133 .
  3. ^ R. Kruse: The myoclonic-astatic petit mal. A form of small epileptic seizures in childhood. (= Monographs from all areas of neurology and psychiatry. Issue 124). Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg / New York 1966.
  4. R. Kruse: Osteopathies in long-term anti-epileptic therapy . In: Mtschr Kinderheilk . tape 116 , 1968, pp. 378-381 .
  5. A. Matthes, R. Kruse (Ed.): Neuropädiatrie . G. Thieme, Stuttgart 1973.
  6. ^ R. Kruse (Ed.): Epilepsie. Therapy indication - new anti-epileptic drugs - therapy resistance . G. Thieme, Stuttgart 1971.
  7. ^ A. Matthes, R. Kruse: The epilepsy patient. Advice for the sick person, his family, for teachers, educators and social workers. 5th edition. Trias Stuttgart 1989.