Rose-belly snowfinch

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Rose-belly snowfinch
Leucosticte arctoa.jpg

Rose-bellied Snowfinch ( Leucosticte arctoa )

Subordination : Songbirds (passeri)
Family : Finches (Fringillidae)
Subfamily : Goldfinches (Carduelinae)
Tribe : Pyrrhulini
Genre : Snowfinch ( Leucosticte )
Type : Rose-belly snowfinch
Scientific name
Leucosticte arctoa
( Pallas , 1811)

The rose-bellied snowfinch ( Leucosticte arctoa ) is a species from the subfamily of goldfinch-like (Carduelinae). The rose-bellied snowfinch has a very large range and occurs in three subspecies in Asia.


The rose-bellied snowfinch reaches a body length of sixteen to eighteen centimeters. A gender dimorphism is present. The females are a little paler in color. They also lack the pink color on individual parts of the body.

The males are colored differently brown and gray depending on the respective subspecies . You have a pink belly. The wing bow, rump and upper tail feathers also have a pink tinge. Some subspecies also show pink neck plumage. In other subspecies this is light gray or even blackish. The strong beak is horn-colored. The eyes are brown.

Geographical variation and systematics

The rose-bellied snow bull was first described in 1811 by Peter Simon Pallas as Passer arctous ; the type specimen came from the Russian Altai . Until about 1993, the North American species of black-headed snow-bull ( Leucosticte atrata ), brown-headed snow-bull ( Leucosticte australis ) and gray-headed-snow- bull ( Leucosticte tephrocotis ) were added to this species. Investigations of the mitochondrial DNA confirm a close relationship. The four species are therefore usually placed in a superspecies today .

Three subspecies are described. At L. a. sushkini , the males have a stronger pink tint than the nominate form , large arm covers, wings and control feathers are gray to gray-brown. Male of L. a. cognata are darker pink than the nominate form, but lighter than those of sushkini . Females are lighter colored on the head and body than those of the nominate form, wing and tail feathers are similar to those of sushkini .

Way of life

The distribution area of ​​the rose-bellied snow bail extends from the Altai to the Siberian Kamchatka . The rose-bellied snowfinch is a bird of the mountain areas. It prefers to live in high altitudes that have only sparse tree growth.

supporting documents

Individual evidence

  1. Bielfeld, p. 66
  2. International Bird Collection, see web links
  3. Clement et al. (1993), p. 255, see literature


Web links

Commons : Rose-bellied Snowfinch ( Leucosticte arctoa )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files