Rudolf Hübner (lawyer)

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Rudolf Hübner (born September 19, 1864 in Berlin ; August 7, 1945 in Darmstadt ) was a German lawyer and legal historian .


The son of the philologist Emil Hübner and Marie Droysen (daughter Johann Gustav Droysen ) placed in Berlin on Wilhelmsgymnasium a high school and studied until 1887 law and history at the universities of Strasbourg and Berlin, where, after a dissertation on Heinrich Brunner over the post donationes obitum 1888 Dr. iur. doctorate and assistant at the law faculty as well as in 1891 private lecturer. He worked extensively on the regest of Franconian court cases. 1895–1904 he was associate professor at the University of Bonn , 1904–1913 full professor of law / German and public law at the University of Rostock (there rector 1912–1913), 1913–1918 professor at the University of Gießen , 1918–1921 professor from the University of Halle , 1921–1934 professor at the University of Jena , where he retired in 1934. In 1919 he was promoted to Dr. hc at the University of Rostock. In Prussia he was given the title of Privy Councilor of Justice before 1918 .

Hübner had several children with Mathilde, geb. Weyersberg: the general engineer Gerbert Hübner (1897–1985), Gisela (* 1899) m. with Rudolf Smend , the historian Reinhard Huebner (1902–1989). His brother, the painter Heinrich Huebner , was a board member of the Berlin Secession . Rudolf Hübner had been friends with the Germanist Andreas Heusler since his student days , who accompanied his research and included him as co-editor in the Edition Deutsche Rechtsaltertümer 1895.

The research on Franconian law was groundbreaking. His work on German private law became a legal classic. He also made contributions to constitutional history when the Weimar Constitution was drawn up. He successfully advocated legal history as a compulsory subject in the training of lawyers.


  • The donationes post obitum and the donations with reservation of usufruct in older German law. , Berlin 1888. [= dissertation]
  • The real process of the Frankish period. , Berlin 1895. [= habilitation thesis]
  • Jacob Grimm and German Law . Goettingen 1895.
  • German antiquities. , 2 vols., 4th edition, Leipzig 1895.
  • Basic features of German private law . Leipzig 1908. (5th edition 1930)
  • Value and Significance of the Lecture on German Legal History , Inaugural Address, 1922.


  • Festschrift for Rudolf Hübner on his seventieth birthday . Frommann, Jena 1935.

Web links

Wikisource: Rudolf Hübner  - Sources and full texts