Rudolf Koeppler

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Rudolf Köppler (born March 23, 1936 in Berlin ) is a German politician ( SPD ) and lawyer . From 1970 to 2002 he was Lord Mayor of the city of Günzburg .

Life and work

After graduating from high school in 1955 at Tannenberg-Gymnasium in Berlin-Lichterfelde , Rudolf Köppler studied law and political science at the Free University of Berlin and the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen . He completed this with two distinctive exams: First State Examination (Referendarexamen, 1959) and Second State Examination (Assessorexamen, 1963).

The doctorate to Dr. jur. with the constitutional dissertation The participation in the political decision-making of the people as a prerogative of the parties. A contribution to the interpretation of Article 21, Paragraph 1, Clause 1 of the Basic Law was followed by activities as a lecturer at the Administration and Business Academy and at the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences .

After studying law and political science in Berlin and Erlangen, preparatory work as a trainee lawyer at the Erlangen District Court , the Nuremberg-Fürth District Court , the Günzburg tax office, the Central Franconian government, the Erlangen District Office and a law firm.

After the second state examination, employment as a government assessor at the government of Middle Franconia and at the Scheinfeld district office . After being appointed to the government council, he was a research assistant at the Federal Public Prosecutor at the Federal Administrative Court in Berlin. After being appointed to the senior government council, consultant at the regional prosecutor's office at the Munich Administrative Court.

Dr. Rudolf Köppler is married and has three children.

Political party

Köppler has been a member of the SPD since 1959, in Erlangen chairman of the Social Democratic University Association, in Berlin-Friedenau treasurer of the section, in Günzburg chairman of the arbitration commission of the sub-district.


Member of the district council since 1972, during this time among other things parliamentary group chairman and member of the district committee. From 1978 to 2003 member of the district assembly of Swabia , during this time u. a. Deputy chairman of the parliamentary group, member of the district committee and deputy district council president.

1970 election as Lord Mayor of the city of Günzburg, re-elected five times until the end of the 1996–2002 election period, successful support of SPD successor Gerhard Jauernig in the 2002 election.


As the author of specialist books (e.g. "The successful citizens' assembly. Law and practice of a democratic opportunity", Boorberg, Stuttgart, ISBN 3-415-01700-1 ) and legal treatises ("Local Election Officials Act and Party Privilege", "Problems of legal supervision over Große Kreisstädte ”, Richard Boorberg Verlag, Munich et al.) And published lectures (eg“ The Departure into Doom ”,“ Unity in Law and Freedom ”, each in the series of the Günzburg Adult Education Center) has Dr. Köppler also published short stories, essays, satires and glosses as well as poems, u. a. in “Not a noisy province. Contemporary poets and narrators from Swabian “, Anton H. Konrad Verlag Weißenhorn). The description “Mittelschwaben” is part of the anthology “Bayrisch Schwaben”, Augsburg 2003. A selection of the titles of other publications in: “Deutsches Schriftstellerlexikon 2000. A cross-section through contemporary German-language literature”, Verlag des Bund Deutscher Schriftsteller, with references to literature to the author.
