Rudolf Schroeder (architect)

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Schroeder Heikendorf house, 1931
Goetheschule Kiel, 1948–1951
Friedrich-Junge-Schule Kiel, 1950–1953
Hebbelschule Kiel, 1955–1958
Main fire station Kiel, 1952–1956, Westring 325

Rudolf Schroeder (born May 19, 1897 in Wilhelmshaven ; † December 27, 1965 in Kiel ) was a German architect .


Rudolf Schroeder studied architecture at the technical universities of Hanover and Stuttgart , among others with Paul Bonatz and Paul Schmitthenner . In the 1920s, parallel to his studies, he was involved in the planning of miners' settlements in the Ruhr area, before taking his diploma examination in 1925 and the state examination for government builder in Württemberg in 1927 . Schroeder then became head of department in the building construction and settlement office in Kiel , in 1936 senior municipal building officer, four years later municipal senior building officer and building director, and finally in 1951 municipal building director. In 1962 he retired. He died in Kiel in 1965.

His numerous school buildings in Kiel from the 1950s are of outstanding importance in Schroeder's architectural oeuvre . He was "one of the first, if not the first, to resume the principle of the pavilion school as a responsible architect after the Second World War ." Schroeder is also considered to be "the outstanding Kiel" city architect "" of the 20th century, the founder of a modern building tradition for Kiel, whose urban growth was previously "not accompanied by any notable contributions to its own building culture."

Buildings (selection)

  • 1928–1930: Employment Office at Wilhelmplatz, Kiel (together with Willy Hahn )
  • 1931: Schroeder house, Heikendorf
  • 1935: Conversion of the classicistic Marientemempel by Axel Bundsen in Düsternbrook wood
  • 1935–1950: Construction and reconstruction of the Düsternbrook seaside resort, Kiel
  • 1948–1951: Goethe School, Kiel
  • 1949–1954: Reconstruction of the Kiel town hall
  • 1950–1953: Friedrich-Junge-Schule, Kiel
  • 1952–1954: Max Planck School , Kiel
  • 1952–1956: Theodor Storm School, Kiel
  • 1952–1956: Main fire station on Westring, Kiel
  • 1955–1958: Hebbelschule , Kiel
  • 1957–1962: Ricarda Huch School , Kiel


  • Ulrich Höhns (ed.): Rudolf Schroeder. New building for Kiel 1930-1960. Dölling and Galitz, Hamburg 1998, ISBN 978-3-933374-07-3 (series of publications of the Schleswig-Holstein Archives for Architecture and Engineering, Vol. 3).
  • Christian Schulz: Rudolf Schroeder's schools in Kiel - straightforwardness without extremes. In: DenkMal! Journal for Monument Preservation in Schleswig-Holstein , 19th year, 2012, ISSN  0946-4549 , pp. 69–81 (; PDF 1.5 MB ).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ulrich Höhns (ed.): Rudolf Schroeder. New building for Kiel 1930–1960. Dölling and Galitz, Hamburg 1998, p. 115.
  2. Matthias Landt: The school buildings. In: Ulrich Höhns (ed.): Rudolf Schroeder. New building for Kiel 1930–1960. Dölling and Galitz, Hamburg 1998, p. 64.
  3. a b Ulrich Höhns: New building for Kiel 1930–1960. In: ders. (Ed.): Rudolf Schroeder. New building for Kiel 1930-1960. Dölling and Galitz, Hamburg 1998, p. 9.
  4. List of works. In: Ulrich Höhns (ed.): Rudolf Schroeder. New building for Kiel 1930–1960. Dölling and Galitz, Hamburg 1998, pp. 95-113.