Rudolf Schulte in the courtyard

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Rudolf Schulte im Hofe (born January 9, 1865 in Ückendorf (today Gelsenkirchen ), † February 18, 1928 in Berlin ) was a German painter and graphic artist from the Munich School .


The artist, who was born on the 'Schulte im Hofe' estate, was a student of Ludwig Schmid-Reutte , Gabriel von Hackl and Ludwig von Löfftz . Above all, he was in demand for his portraits of personalities of his time such as Gustav von Schmoller , Adolf von Menzel and Tonio Bödiker or women of society such as Countess von Dohna or Gertrud Troplowitz; he also gained fame through his pictures of children. His portrait of the former Charlottenburg mayor Kurt Schustehrus hangs in the Berlin town hall; further works are in the Nationalgalerie Berlin , in the Landesmuseum Sonnenburg and in the Hamburger Kunsthalle .

In 1907 Schulte received a small gold medal in the courtyard at the Great Berlin Art Exhibition . In 1908 he exhibited in the Kunsthalle Bremen ("Special Exhibition of the Association of Northwest German Artists"). On the occasion of his death in 1928 there was a memorial exhibition in the Westphalian Provincial Museum in Münster . After a gift from his widow at the instigation of Arthur Spiethoff, a “Schulte-im-Hofe-Zimmer” with several portraits from the period between 1905 and 1912 was created in Bonn at the Städtisches Kunstmuseum Villa Obernier in Bonn, including Chancellor Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg and one of the rarer landscape paintings.

Schulte im Hofe was temporarily chairman of the Berlin Artists' Association and was a professor and member of the Academy of Arts in Berlin. He is considered to be the inventor of the lithographic process of stone etching .

From 1893 until his death he was with Karoline geb. Keil (1861–1943) married. His grave is in the Catholic old town cemetery of Gelsenkirchen; the market square in today's Gelsenkirchen district of Ückendorf was named after him.


Dog's head, 1898, Art Museum Gelsenkirchen


  • Correspondence with visual artists, writers, publishers, industrialists and politicians in the "Visual Arts" archive of the Berlin Academy of Arts.


  • Eduard Schulte: gender and plaice of the painter Rudolf Schulte in the court. Coppenrath-Verlag, Münster 1928.
  • Arthur Spiethoff: Rudolf Schulte in the courtyard. A Westphalian painter. Speech given at the opening of the Rudolf Schulte im Hofe Memorial Exhibition in the State Museum of the Province of Westphalia in Münster on November 11, 1928. In: Westphalia , 14th year 1928, pp. 69–76.
  • Schulte in the yard, Rudolf . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General lexicon of fine artists from antiquity to the present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 30 : Scheffel – Siemerding . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1936, p. 325 .
  • Rudolf Schulte im Hofe (1865 Gelsenkirchen - 1928 Berlin) on the occasion of his 100th birthday. Paintings, drawings, graphics. (Catalog for the 1965 Memorial Exhibition in the Gelsenkirchen Local History Museum) Gelsenkirchen 1965.
  • Margarethe Jochimsen et al .: Municipal Museum 'Villa Obernier'. Foundation of a citizen of Bonn. (Exhibition catalog) Association August-Macke-Haus eV, Bonn 1995, p. 95. (= series of publications of the Association August-Macke-Haus eV, No. 17.)

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