Rudolf von Apfaltern

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Rudolf von Apfaltern (also Rudolf Apfaltrer von Apfaltern , born April 17, 1818 in Iglau , † after 1870 in Grünau, Carniola ) was a soldier in the service of the Austrian Empire .


Rudolf von Apfaltern came from the baron family Apfaltern (noble family) . After military training at the Theresian Military Academy , he became an ensign in Langenau Infantry Regiment No. 49 on September 8, 1838. On April 17, 1841 he rose to lieutenant and on May 1, 1848 to lieutenant. That year he accompanied Emperor Ferdinand I with his battalion to the court camp in Olomouc .

During the Vienna October Uprising in 1848 , he fought with the battalion in Augarten on October 28 , where he received the Military Merit Cross for taking a barricade . Also during the Hungarian Revolution of 1848/1849 he distinguished himself during the winter campaign in Hungary in 1849 by defending a mortar battery during the blockade of Komorn . On June 13 of this year at Kaposvár he worked as a battalion adjutant and was able to prevent his battalion from being captured. At the Battle of Komorn on July 2, 1849, he distinguished himself by leading the scattered battalion detachments.

On September 24, 1849, von Apfaltern was made captain second class and took part in an expedition to Cattaro the following year . He was promoted to captain first class on August 21, 1853 before retiring on December 1, 1855. Promoted to major in 1864 , he lived on the family estate in Grünhof in Krain until his death.
