Russian series П

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Russian series П (P)
SŽD series П (P)
EVR series Bp
A class Пп (Pp) locomotive
A class П п (P p ) locomotive
Number: 169
Manufacturer: Belfort
workshop Odessa of Yugo-Sapadnye Sheleznye Dorogi
Year of construction (s): 1891, 1895-1900, 1902-1905
Retirement: 1930s
Axis formula : 2'B n4v
Gauge : 1524 mm
Service mass: П Б : 43.9 t
П п : 58.1 t
П р : 50.0 t
Friction mass: П Б : 26.6 t
П п : 30.4 t
П р : 29.0 t
Top speed: 107 km / h
Indexed performance : 680 hp
Starting tractive effort: 93 kN
Driving wheel diameter: 1,980–2,010 mm
Impeller diameter front: 950-1,000 mm
Control type : П Б, р : Stephenson
П п : Walschaerts
Number of cylinders: 4th
HD cylinder diameter: П Б : 330/338 mm
П п : 365 mm
П р : 360 mm
LP cylinder diameter: П Б : 500 mm
П п : 547 mm
П р : 550 mm
Piston stroke: П Б, р : 600 mm
П п : 610 mm
Boiler overpressure: 12 bar
Grate area: 1.61-2.3 m²
Evaporation heating surface: 121.7-148.6 m²
Particularities: Four-cylinder compound engine in tandem design

The steam locomotives of the Russian class П [ ] were a series of Russian passenger and express train steam locomotives with a 2'B wheel arrangement.

History and technology

The characteristic feature of these locomotives was their four-cylinder compound drive in tandem design . In this arrangement, two cylinders on each side (high and low pressure cylinders, arranged one behind the other) were fed. This arrangement of the steam engine was complicated and unwieldy to repair. As a result, the locomotives were not widely used, although like all compound machines they were economical and their design avoided the expensive bolster axle.

The engineer responsible for the project was Alexander Parfenjewitsch Borodin .

1891 built French factory Société Alsacienne de Constructions Mécaniques (SACM) in Belfort on the basis of a draft of the South-west railway ( Russian Yugo-Sapadnyje schelesnyje dorogi ) a first 2'B tandem compound locomotive, which make it more powerful than the previously there 1B locomotives used. Trials and field trials gave satisfactory results, which is why another six similar locomotives were built according to Borodin's design in the workshops of the Südwestbahn in Odessa in 1895 and 1896. In 1912 the seven locomotives were added to the class П Б (P B ). The ceiling of the back cauldron was kept flat with them.

From 1898 to 1900 the Putilow works produced 68 locomotives of the class П п (P p ) for state railways . The design of this series was based on the basic dimensions proposed by Professor NP Petrov . They were intended to carry 250 t express trains on the Petersburg-Warsaw Railway , the Riga-Oreler Railway and the Southwest Railway. During a first test run on April 1, 1898, the locomotive carried a 250-ton train from Saint Petersburg to Pskow at an average speed of 78 km / h, reaching a speed of 71 km / h on gradients of 6 and up to 71 km / h on descents to 110 km / h. A total of 121 units of the П п series were produced from 1897 to 1900 . Of these, for example, the Baltic and Pskow-Riga Railway ( Russian: Baltijskaja i Pskowo-Rischskaja schelesnaja doroga ) received 13 pieces from the year of construction 1899, which were classified as the Б П (B P ) series . After the railway company was merged with the Petersburg-Warsaw Railway to form the Northwest Railways (Severo-Sapadnyje schelesnyje dorogi) in 1907 , these locomotives were referred to as the П (P) series until 1912 .

From 1899 the Kolomna locomotive factory manufactured 2'B passenger locomotives with tandem four-cylinder compound engines for the Moscow-Windau-Rybinsk Railway , which were classified as the А к (A k ) series, designated as П р (P r ) from 1912 . They had an internal control. Used on the St. Petersburg - Tsarskoye Selo and Rybinsk - Besezk routes, they carried 330-ton trains at speeds of up to 70 km / h. A total of 41 pieces were produced from 1899 to 1900 and from 1902 to 1905.

The П series locomotives were used for around 25 to 30 years by the various railway companies, and finally by the Soviet Railways (SŽD). In the 1930s they were replaced by more powerful and more powerful locomotives with three driven axles (e.g. Russian series Н [ ɛn ], Russian series К or Russian series С [ ɛs ]).

Use in Estonia

The Estonian State Railways (EVR) took over six locomotives of the П п series and classified them as the Bp series with the numbers 75 to 80. In 1940 they were already retired.

See also


  1. according to the German Rakow edition: П Б, п : 2,000 mm, П р : 2,010 mm
  2. according to the German Rakow edition: П Б : 1.87 m², П п : 2.61 m², П р : 2.2 m²
  3. according to the German Rakow edition: П Б : 111.2 m², П п : 146.1 m², П р : 141.0 m²


  • Vitaly Alexandrowitsch Rakow: Паровозы типа 2-2-0 - Локомотивы отечественных железных дорог 1845–1955 ( Russian ), 2nd revised edition. Edition, Transport Verlag, Moscow 1995, ISBN 5-277-00821-7 , pp. 201-205.

Web links

Commons : Russian locomotives class П  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Witali Alexandrowitsch Rakow: Russian and Soviet steam locomotives . 1st edition. transpress, Berlin 1986, ISBN 3-344-00060-8 , pp. 130-132 .
  2. Большая Советская Энциклопедия. Гл. ред. С. И. Вавилов, 2-е изд. Т. 5. Березна - Ботокуды. 1950. 652 стр., Илл .: 69 л. илл. и карт.
  3. a b Website about the П series , accessed on August 2, 2016 (Russian)
  4. ^ Herman Gijsbert Hesselink, Norbert Tempel: Railways in the Baltic States . Verlag Lok-Report, Münster 1996, ISBN 3-921980-51-8 , p. 92-93 .