Süddeutsche Bodencreditbank

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The Süddeutsche Bodencreditbank AG (Südboden) was the first bank in Bavaria, which was approved for the Hypothekarbankgeschäft. In 2001 it was merged with Bayerische Handelsbank AG and Nürnberger Hypothekenbank AG to form Hypo Real Estate .


Süddeutsche Bodencreditbank AG was founded on June 17, 1871 in Munich as a mortgage bank . Among the founders of Südboden were mainly well-funded joint stock banks, some private banks such as B. the Munich bank Merck, Christian & Co. (since 1879 Merck Finck & Co) as well as Theodor Cramer-Klett, a wealthy businessman and industrialist who is considered to be the initiator of this bank establishment.

The first 45 years after it was founded were characterized by steady growth. Already in 1875 the mortgage loan portfolio was over 100 million gold marks. In 1914 a high of 513 million gold marks was reached, which was not exceeded again until 1962.

World War I and the hyperinflation of the early 1920s virtually brought the mortgage business to a standstill. After a brief upturn, the world economic crisis followed at the beginning of the 1930s, which was also accompanied by a fundamental banking crisis. This led to a consolidation in the banking industry. In 1934, the Südboden merged with the Mitteldeutsche Bodenkredit-Anstalt (Mittelboden) and was able to expand its business area to all of Germany. In 1937 the Südboden took over the Bayerische Bodencreditanstalt (Bayerische Boden) from Würzburg.

After the Second World War and the associated destruction of many loaned properties, the business could only slowly be rebuilt in 1949. From 1955 the German reconstruction led to a rapidly growing business for the Südboden. On the 100th anniversary in 1971, the bank was able to expand its balance sheet total to DM 2.5 billion (1955: DM 0.35 billion) with steadily growing profits.

The merger of the Bayerische Vereinsbank with the Bayerische Staatsbank in 1971 gave the Bayerische Vereinsbank the majority of shares in the Süddeutsche Bodencreditbank AG, the Bayerische Handelsbank AG and the Nürnberger Hypothekenbank AG, which from then on acted as the mortgage bank subsidiaries of the Bayerische Vereinsbank.

According to the annual report, Südboden was able to show total assets of almost 24 billion euros for the year 2000, and half of it was invested in municipal loans and half in mortgage loans .

Pfandbrief Süddeutsche Bodencreditbank.jpg

In 2001, the mortgage business of Bayerische Vereinsbank was outsourced and merged with the business of the three mortgage bank subsidiaries. This resulted in Hypo Real Estate.

Südboden in Ludwigstrasse
Südboden in Ottostrasse

Chairman of the Supervisory Board

General directors / spokesman for the board

  • 1871–1893: Friedrich von Schauß
  • 1893–1911: Casimir Keller
  • 1912–1920: Heinrich Gareis
  • 1920–1934: Friedrich Bonschab
  • 1935–1970: Helmuth Wolf
  • 1971–1975: Adolf Schwandner
  • 1975–1991: Franz May
  • 1991–1995: Gerhard Fischer
  • 1995–2001: Anton Schub

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Süddeutsche Bodencreditbank: One hundred and twenty-five years . Ed .: Süddeutsche Bodencreditbank. Munich, S. 9 .
  2. ^ Markus Denzel, Albert Fischer, Rainer Gömmel, Margarete Wagner-Braun, Franz-Christoph Zeitler: History of the Munich financial center . Walter de Gruyter, 2007, ISBN 978-3-486-83532-8 ( google.de [accessed November 15, 2018]).
  3. a b c Erich Achterberg: Süddeutsche Bodencreditbank: A century of becoming and working . Fritz Knapp Verlag, Frankfurt 1971, p. 40, 115, 122 ff .
  4. Karlhein Müssig, Josef Löffelholz: Bank-Lexikon: Concise dictionary for money, banking and stock exchange . Springer-Verlag, 2013, ISBN 978-3-322-83493-5 ( google.de [accessed December 5, 2018]).