SŽD series ЭР7

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SŽD series ЭР7 (ER7)
ER 7k-03
ER 7k-03
Numbering: ЭР7.01-04
Number: 4 units (10-car unit)
1 two-car experimental unit
42 cars
Manufacturer: Rīgas Vagonbūves Rūpnīca
Riga Electrical
Machine Factory Tver Wagon Factory
Moscow Electrical Machine Factory Dynamo
Electrotechnical Institute of the USSR
Year of construction (s): 1957 Experimental section
Retirement: 1972
Gauge : 1,520 mm
Length over coupling: 19,600 mm (1 trolley)
Service mass: 60.75 t (drive car test unit)
37.9 t ( control car test unit)
Top speed: 130 km / h
Continuous output : 4,000 kW (1 motor vehicle)
Acceleration: 0.6 m / s²
Braking delay: 0.8 m / s²
Power system : 25 kV AC 50 Hz
Power transmission: Overhead line
Number of traction motors: 4 (motor vehicle)
Seats: 88 (control car experimental unit)
22 (motor vehicle experimental unit)

The ЭР7 ( ER7 ) is a multiple unit built by the Rigaer Waggonfabrik (RVR) in Latvia , which was used specifically for suburban traffic. It could be described as an alternating current variant of the SŽD series ЭР1 and was the first railcar for alternating current built in the former USSR . In addition to a test unit consisting of two cars, four railcars, consisting of ten cars, were manufactured until 1962. Based on the experience of their operation, the vehicles later became the SŽD series ЭР9 . Due to the small number of vehicles produced, the railcars were retired as early as 1972.

Project planning

The electrification of the railroad in the former USSR was to increase in the 1950s with networks using alternating current . Not only electric locomotives but also electric multiple units were intended for this. As early as 1954, a sketch project of the electrical equipment of motor vehicle electrical sections for alternating current with a voltage of 20 kV and a frequency of 50 Hz was created in the Moscow electrical machine factory Dynamo . The project ran in two directions; a vehicle with traction motors for pulsating current ( ignitrones were used as rectifiers for these sections ), a second vehicle variant was used with collector electric traction motors . All plans for electric multiple units ran from now on in both variants.

In January 1958, both projects were presented to the Locomotive Commission of the Scientific and Technical Association of the Ministry of Railways and Communications . After consideration, this recommended the construction of the first motor vehicle train with alternating current used in the former USSR for the variant of the application with ignitronic rectifiers, including the scheme with bridges and the use of electric travel motors with pulsating current. In addition, some revisions of the project were recommended, so the voltage should now be 25 kV. For example, at the end of 1958, the Rīgas Vagonbūves Rūpnīca published a work project for a 10-car train for alternating current and 25 kV. The components of the electric train were arranged as in the ЭР1 : five motor cars, three intermediate cars as sidecars and two control cars as sidecars. First, however, in 1959 a test section with a motor car and a control car appeared for testing, at the end of 1961 four 10-car trains of the ЭР7 series were built, which were given to the railways around Gorki for use .

The experimental two-car unit

After the two-car unit was delivered for testing in 1959, the series of the series ЭР7 was opened. The motor car had a mass of 60.75 t, of which 32.2 t were loaded on the first bogie. The train's control car weighed 37.9 t. They had a seating capacity of 88 seats. The external appearance of the first motor vehicle of the series ЭР7 differed significantly from the following series vehicles; The air -controlled main switch ВОВ-25ЭП ( WOW-25EP ) was placed on the roof next to the pantograph , and the transformer ОЦР1000 / 25 ( OZR1000 / 25 ) was placed under the car . The rest of the electrical equipment was housed in special chambers in the passenger compartment. The rectifiers developed by the All Union Electrotechnical Institute , consisting of four ignitrons ИС-200/5 ( IS-200/5 ), which were connected by bridges and air-cooled, were also housed in these chambers . The ignitron unit was calculated for a voltage of 1650 V direct current , it had a maximum reversing voltage of 5000 V and an average current in the continuous regime of 200 A. Due to the entire electrical equipment, the seating capacity of the motor vehicle was only 22 seats.

The transformer was an oil-cooled core type and rated 973 kVA. It had four windings; the primary winding with 25 kV, the traction winding with an output of 773 kVA and seven taps and a voltage of 2208 V, a winding for the heating with an output of 100 kVA and a voltage of 600 V and the auxiliary winding with an output of 100 kVA and a voltage of 220 V. The weight of the transformer with oil filling was 3.8 t.

The traction motors were of the type РТ-51Г ( RT-51G ), they were designed to work with pulsating current. They were self-ventilated and had four main and four secondary poles. The traction motors were suspended in the frame of the bogies, this happened as with the electric trains of the series ЭР2 .

In January 1960, the test section for inspection was handed over to the track ring of the All-Russian Research Institute for Rail Transport . The test showed the possibility of delivery of the series vehicles with improved electrical equipment, reduced mass and increased number of seats in the motor vehicle.

Series vehicles

The first ten-car train with the designation ЭР7 was delivered in early 1961; the motor and control cars were manufactured by the Rīgas Vagonbūves Rūpnīca , the intermediate trailer cars were manufactured in the Tver wagon factory , the electric traction motors were manufactured by the Riga electrical machine works , the transformers were manufactured in the Moscow electrical machine factory Dynamo , and the ignitrons in the All-Union Electrical Engineering Institute.

Modernization of the electric trains

The first electric train of the series, the ЭР7.01 was doing in April - May 1961 the first rides on the section Ozherelye - Pawelez . Later he passed the test on the track ring of the All-Russian Research Institute for Rail Transport . In the first time the ignitrons often failed or worked unsatisfactorily (at speeds above 100 km / h), other defects were also observed. Since the semiconductor design had already been developed at that time and promised advantages over the ignitrones, an expert commission of the state railway and the participating plants was formed in May 1961, which carried out a revision of the test two-car section to include silicon rectifiers . The rectifiers were arranged under the car body . After the renovation, the test train was used on the track ring of the All-Russian Research Institute for Rail Transport and confirmed the optimistic forecasts.

In October 1961, the series car of the ЭР7.01 was converted to semiconductor elements in the repair shop . The other vehicles were also converted by 1963. In terms of the designation, the vehicles then changed to the ЭР7K series .

On the basis of the vehicles, the ЭР9 series electric cars appeared from the end of 1961 , from then on their variants appeared.

Fate of the units

Since the series was not numerically large, the procurement of spare parts soon caused great difficulties for them. It soon proved impossible to repair the vehicles of the ЭР7 series . In 1972 all vehicles in the series were taken out of service. To date (2014) is the unit ЭР7K.0309 / 0310 , which on the track ring of the All-Russian Research Institute of Rail Transport in shcherbinka was used as a laboratory, survived. Various control and motor vehicles have been preserved in the Nizhny Novgorod depot on the basis of the stock 435 kilometers .

See also


  • В. А. Раков: Локомотивы и моторвагонный подвижной состав железных дорог Советского Союза 1956–1965.
  • В. А. Раков, Н. А. Сергеев: Электропоезда переменного тока ЭР7 и ЭР7К. In: «Локомотив» . № 5, 1992.

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