Sabine Hennrich

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Sabine Hennrich (born September 29, 1962 in Saarbrücken ) is a German politician ( CDU ).

education and profession

After graduating from the Saarbrücker Gymnasium am Rotenbühl in 1981, Hennrich studied musicology, political science, English and history at Saarland University . From 1986 to 1993 she was the conference leader at the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Saarbrücken, from 1990 to 1992 she also worked there as a student assistant.

From 1994 to 2002 she devoted herself to raising her children. She then worked as a consultant in the constituency office of MEP Doris Pack until 2004 .


Hennrich has been a member of the CDU and the Women's Union since 1984 . In 1997 she joined the Junge Union . Since 1999 she has been the district chairwoman of the Saarbrücken-Stadt Women's Union, a member of the CDU district executive in Saarbrücken-Stadt, a member of the CDU state committee and a member of the state executive of the women's union.

From 1999 to 2004 she was a member of the Saarbrücken City Association . In the state elections in Saarland in 2004 , she was elected to the state parliament of Saarland ( 13th electoral period ). There she was represented in the Committee on Submissions, the Committee on Europe, the Committee on Home Affairs, Data Protection, Family, Women and Sport and the Committee on Health and Social Affairs. In the state elections in Saarland in 2009 , she did not stand for election again.


Sabine Hennrich is Protestant, married and has two children.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Movement in the state parliament. Saarländischer Rundfunk , August 30, 2009, accessed on July 12, 2016 .