Sagara Morio

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Sagara Morio ( Japanese 相 良 守 峯 ; born April 14, 1895 in Tsuruoka ( Yamagata Prefecture ); died October 16, 1989 ) was a Japanese German studies scholar, textbook writer, and translator.

life and work

Sagara Morio graduated from the Imperial University of Tōkyō in 1921 with a degree in German . He then became a lecturer at Waseda University . In 1922 he became a teacher at the Mito high school (水 戸 高等学校, Mito kōtogakkō), in 1924 he moved to the 1st high school.

In 1930 Sagara was sent to Germany, Italy and the USA by the Ministry of Culture. After his return he was made assistant professor for German studies at the University of Tōkyō in 1933. In 1940 the comprehensive "Kimura-Sagara German-Japanese Lexicon" (木村 ・ 相 良 独 和 辞典) was published. At the end of 1945 Sagara received her doctorate with a thesis "Research on epic poetry in the German Middle Ages" (独 逸 中 世 叙事 詩 研究, Doitsu chūseki jijishi kenkyū). In 1947 he became a professor.

In 1956, after he retired, Sagara took over a professorship at Keiō University . In 1958 he became chairman of the re-established Japanese Goethe Society. From 1969 to 1976 he worked at the "Kyōto University of Foreign Studies" (京都 外国語 大学, Kyōto gaikokugo daigaku).

Sagara wrote numerous textbooks on the German language and also left numerous translations of German classics, Hermann Hesse , Arthur Schnitzler . In 1935 he also translated the rather unknown book "Jacqueline and the Japanese" by Heinrich Eduard Jacob from 1928, which deals with an encounter with a Japanese living in Germany and ends with reference to the Kanto earthquake in 1923 . In 1955 he made a translation of “Nibelungen” , in the same year also a translation of Jünger'sAuf den Marmorklippen ”.

Sagara was buried on Tenryū-ji (禅 龍 寺) in his hometown Τsuruoka.

Awards and honors


  1. a b According to the system of that time, schools comprised the first semesters of a university.


  • S. Noma (Ed.): Sagara Morio . In: Japan. An Illustrated Encyclopedia. Kodansha, 1993, ISBN 4-06-205938-X , p. 1291.