Solomon of Cerdanya

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Salomon ( Catalan Salomó ; † probably 873 ) was a Carolingian official in the Spanish march in the 9th century, who officiated as Count of Cerdanya . Urgell and Conflent counties are also attributed to him.

In 863, Count Salomon von Cerdanya (Salomone… Cerdaniensi comite) was sent by King Charles the Bald to Cordoba to purchase the remains of Saint Vincent of Saragossa from the Caliph of al-Andalus . After he had paid the caliph and his governor of Saragossa 100 solidi each, he was able to bring the relics of the saint to the Frankish empire, which were given a new storage location in the Abbey of Castres .

On March 22, 865, Salomon confirmed the possession of Prades and other localities in favor of the Abbey of Sainte-Marie de Lagrasse , which Count Sunifred I and his wife Ermesende had once given to the abbey. Since Prades was in the pagus Conflent, Salomon must have officiated as count here too. On April 23, 873 he was last documented when he pronounced a judgment in favor of the Abbey of Caunes .

According to the founding history of the Catalan national dynasty , written in the late 12th century and interspersed with legendary stories, Wilfried the Hairy was able to establish his rule in Barcelona by killing the "Gauls" Salomon (Salomonem natione Gallicum Comitem) in a duel that lasted many years had previously ousted his father of the same name (actually Sunifred I.) from the ancestral family estates. The Chronicle of San Juan de la Peña (14th century) adopted this narrative and now referred to Salomon as "French". That Salomon ever officiated as Count of Barcelona and had previously ousted Sunifred I cannot be inferred from the contemporary texts. Only that Wilfried the Hairy was the official successor of Solomon in his counties can be assumed. On September 23, 873, shortly after Salomon was last documented, Wilfried and his brother Miró founded the Santa Maria de Formiguera Abbey in Conflent.


  1. a b Aimoinus Monachus Sangermanensis. Historia Translationis Sancti Vincentii , Lib. 1, §8, ed. by Jacques Paul Migne in: Patrologiae cursus completus. Series Latina. Vol. 126, Col. 1011-1028.
  2. Recueil des chartes de l'abbaye de la Grasse, Tome I 779-1119 , ed. by Elisabeth Magnou-Nortier and Anne-Marie Magnou (1006), no. 26, pp. 42–46.
  3. Histoire générale de Languedoc , Vol. 2, ed. by C. Devic and J. Vaissete (Toulouse, 1840), No. 98, pp. 660-661.
  4. Ex Gestis Comitum Barcinonensium , §2, in: Recueil des Historiens des Gaules et de la France , Vol. 9 (1874), p. 68.
  5. Historia de la Corona de Aragón: Crónica de San Juan de la Peña: Part aragonesa , ed. by T. Ximénez de Embún y Val (1876), §23, p. 102.
  6. Histoire générale de Languedoc , Vol. 2, ed. by C. Devic and J. Vaissete (Toulouse, 1840), No. 99, pp. 661-662.

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predecessor Office successor
Sunifred I.  ? Count of Cerdanya
Wilfried the Hairy
Sunifred I.  ? Earl of Conflent
Miró the elder
Sunifred I.  ? Count of Urgell  ?
Wilfried the Hairy