Sant'Alberto Magno (cardinal title)

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Cardinal priest of Sant'Alberto Magno
Title holder's coat of arms
Title holder's coat of arms
Built Nov 19, 2016
From Pope Francis (Pope)
Title holder Anthony Soter Fernandez
since Nov 19, 2016
Title church Sant'Alberto Magno

The cardinal title of Cardinal Priest of Sant'Alberto Magno was recreated by Pope Francis with the elevation of the Roman parish church of the same name, Sant'Alberto Magno, to the title church .


Pope Francis justified the creation of the title with the need to have a sufficient number of titles available for the increasing number of cardinals. At the same time, with the selection of the church in the district of Vigne Nuove in the Municipio Roma III, he continued the expansion of the titles from "Ancient Rome" to the periphery.

Title holder

Cardinal Fernandez is the 1st Cardinal Priest of Sant'Alberto Magno:

Surname country Born Deceased appointment Remarks
on 1 by  Pope
Anthony Soter Fernandez Malaysia Apr 22, 1932 NO
Age: 88 years 2
Nov 19, 2016 Francis Old Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur
1At the age of 80, cardinals lose their active papal suffrage
2In modern times, the appointment takes place regularly on the day of creation in the consistory

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Concistoro Ordinario Pubblico: Assegnazione dei Titoli o Diaconie. In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office , November 19, 2016, accessed November 19, 2016 (Italian).