Sarau Church

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The Sarau Church (seen from the south)
The tower of the Sarau church

The Sarau Church is the church in the village of Sarau - a district of the municipality of Glasau - in the Segeberg district in Schleswig-Holstein . It is located on the western edge of the village, surrounded by the (former) Kirchanger . It is today from the Ev.-luth. Sarau parish used for church services.


It is a single-nave hall church made of red brick , approx. 35 m long and approx. 15 m wide. On the sides of the nave, the walls are made of field stones up to a height of about one meter . The nave has four narrow and high windows on each side. This is followed by the choir . The nave, chancel and apse are a three-piece, with red roof tiles roofed gable roof covered. There are smaller additions ( sacristies ) on the south and north sides of the nave .

The church has a tower overhanging the roof of the nave. This has a square floor plan at the bottom and an octagonal floor plan at the top and is closed off by a tower dome covered with copper . The tower, built in the neo-Gothic style, was built on a foundation of hewn stone blocks and is flanked on both sides by extensions. There is a door to the west of the tower.


The current church is the second church on the site and was built after 1629, the tower was built in 1865.

First church

The first church was built in the 12th century under Bishop Vizelin and was one of the first churches in eastern Holstein . Called churches. It was built on a former thing site , reminiscent of the thing oak . The first church was (most likely) a Romanesque- style building made of fieldstones connected with plaster of paris , similar to the Vizelinkirchen in Neukirchen and Ratekau .

The patronage for this church, built around 1147, was given to the Lübeck Cathedral Chapter in 1197 . In the 14./15. In the 18th century it passed to the owners of the Glasau moated castle, which was demolished in 1837. In 1629 a fire broke out in the smithy near the church due to carelessness in which large parts of the village and the church burned down.

Second church today

The necessary rebuilding of the church took place after 1629, with a (longer) new building being built on the old foundations. Instead of a church tower, a wooden campanile was built separately - the construction of the new church can also be timed through the new cast bells in 1649 and 1650.

In 1865 the church was renovated by the Glasauer squire and church patron Eugen von Reventlow . On this occasion the church tower was built and the wooden bell tower was demolished. In 2008 the church was renovated again.


Commemorative stele for the Fürstengrube death march

To the west of the church is the Thing oak Sarau and a stele that reminds of the Fürstengrube death march .


  • Otto Jarchov: The history of the church in Sarau , in: Yearbook for local history ( Heimatverband Eutin ), Eutin 1987, pp. 10-12.

Web links

Commons : Sarau Church  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Historical development of Sarau, in: Attraction points of the community of Glasau , including the (pdf file, accessed on October 10, 2018)

Coordinates: 54 ° 3 ′ 18.7 ″  N , 10 ° 31 ′ 30 ″  E