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The Sarnerbund was a federation of the conservative Swiss cantons Uri , Schwyz (excluding Ausserschwyz ), Obwalden , Nidwalden , Neuchâtel and Basel-Stadt , with which the regeneration efforts of the liberals should be combated.

The Sarner Association was founded on November 15, 1832 after secret negotiations. It can be seen as a counter-alliance to the liberal Seventh Concordat , which was founded in March of the same year. For the time being, its members are particularly committed to ensuring that the canton of Basel is not divided into two half-cantons and that the division of the canton of Schwyz is reversed.

As a protest at the invitation of the half-canton of Basel-Land to be included in the daily statute, the cantons of the Sarnerbund twice carried out opposing statutes. The attempt to occupy the newly created canton capitals in Basel-Landschaft and Ausserschwyz led to a military intervention by the Diet. The Sarnerbund was dissolved on August 12, 1833 by the liberal majority of the Diet, as it was not compatible with the federal treaty.

In 1845, Catholic-Conservative cantons again founded the Sonderbund , which in 1847 led to a brief civil war that the Sonderbund lost.

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