Sarymsaqty (river)

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Сарымсақты өзені
location Audany Katonqaraghai in East Kazakhstan ( Kazakhstan )
River system If
Drain over Buchtarma  → Irtysh  → Ob  → Arctic Ocean
source Sarymsaqty
49 ° 1 ′ 57 "  N , 85 ° 42 ′ 59"  E
Source height approx.  2500  m
muzzle Buchtarma coordinates: 49 ° 15 ′ 5 "  N , 85 ° 21 ′ 15"  E 49 ° 15 ′ 5 "  N , 85 ° 21 ′ 15"  E
Mouth height approx.  695  m
Height difference approx. 1805 m
Bottom slope approx. 36 ‰
length approx. 50 km
Catchment area 630 km²
Discharge at the gauge Sogornoje
A Eo : 629 km²
Location: 1.5 km above the mouth
MQ 1963/1987
Mq 1963/1987
6.81 m³ / s
10.8 l / (s km²)
Communities Katonqaraghai

The Sarymsaqty ( Kazakh Сарымсақты өзені ) is a left tributary of the Buchtarma in the Audany Katonqaraghai in eastern Kazakhstan .

The Sarymsaqty rises in the mountain range of the same name Sarymsaqty in the southwest Altai . It flows through a mountain valley in a northerly direction and reaches the place Katonqaraghai on the northern flank of the Sarymsaqty Mountains, through which it flows in a westerly direction. Later it turns gradually to the northwest and flows into the Buchtarma flowing to the west. The Sarymsaqty drains the central section of the mountain range to the north. Its catchment area covers 630 km². Its length is around 50 km. The mean discharge near the mouth is 6.81 m³ / s. During the snowmelt in June (12.89 m³ / s) and July (11.14 m³ / s) it reaches its highest discharge.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b Sarymsaqty at the Sogornoje gauge - hydrographic data from R-ArcticNET