Satyros (architect)

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Satyros ( Greek  Σάτυρος ) was a in the 4th century BC. Chr. Living Greek architect and sculptor .

According to an artist's inscription on a statue base found in Delphi , Satyros was the son of an Isotimos from Paros and creator of the bronze statues of the Carian satrap Idrieus and his sister wife Ada . The period of origin of these works of art is estimated at around 345 BC. Dated. Satyros was already in the service of the ruling family of the Hecatomnids , as he can be verified as the second architect of the mausoleum of Halicarnassus, which is counted among the seven wonders of the world , alongside Pytheos . Satyros and Pytheos also described this tomb in Bodrum in what is now Turkey in their own book. The building was started during the reign of Maussolos and continued under his sister-wife Artemisia , followed by her siblings Idrieus and Ada.

Pliny the Elder reports that a satyr's engineering skill made it possible to transport a very large obelisk to the Egyptian capital Alexandria ; but it must remain open whether he is identical with the Satyros treated here. The efforts to ascribe other works of art to Satyros - for example that he helped design the sculptural decorations of the mausoleum - remain very uncertain.



  1. ^ Fouilles de Delphes III, 4, 176 .
  2. ^ Vitruvius , On Architecture 7, praefatio 12.
  3. Pliny, Naturalis historia 36, 67f.