Andrei Ivanovich Schelyabow

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Andrei Zhelyabov ( Russian Андрей Иванович Желябов ; born August 17, jul. / 29. August  1851 greg. In Nikolaevka in Feodosia , Taurida Gubernia , Russian Empire ; † April 3 jul. / 15. April  1881 greg. In Saint Petersburg ) was a Russian terrorist .

The son of a serf peasant from the Crimea , as a member of the Narodnaya Volya in Saint Petersburg, was involved in the drafting of program documents for the organization and in preparing the assassination attempt on Tsar Alexander II on March 13, 1881. Before the assassination attempt was carried out, he was arrested and hanged on April 15, 1881 . Lenin recognized him as a great revolutionary on a par with Robespierre and Garibaldi .


  • Valentin Janin and others: Otetschestwennaja istorija: istorija Rossii s drewneischich wremen do 1917 goda: Tom 2 . Bolschaja Rossijskaja enziklopedija, Moscow 1996, pp. 176-177. ISBN 5-85270-049-5 . (Russian)

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