Umbrella jellyfish

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Umbrella jellyfish
Chrysaora sp.

Chrysaora sp.

without rank: Opisthokonta
without rank: Holozoa
without rank: Multicellular animals (Metazoa)
without rank: Tissue animals (Eumetazoa)
Trunk : Cnidarians (Cnidaria)
Class : Umbrella jellyfish
Scientific name
Goette , 1887

Umbrella jellyfish or disc jellyfish (Scyphozoa) are a class of cnidarians (Cnidaria). They are also known as real jellyfish . The umbrella jellyfish form three orders: Crown jellyfish (Coronatae), flag jellyfish (Semaeostomae) and root-mouth jellyfish (Rhizostomeae). About 130 species belong to the Scyphozoa. The mostly solitary animals are characterized by large medusa and small polyps . Reproduction takes place alternately asexually, by pinching off ephyral larvae from the sessile polyp ( strobilation ), and sexually (a so-called metagenesis ).



Umbrella jellyfish are transparent animals made of a thick gelatinous mass with tentacles emerging from the edge of the umbrella . This is also where light and tactile organs sit, the ropes . The umbrella jellyfish have swimming bells. The tentacles can be up to 30 m long, on them are the poisonous nettle capsules . A jellyfish's body is 98% water. Some umbrella jellyfish are only a few millimeters in size, but some can be up to 2 m in diameter.

Most of the coastal forms in their larval stage form a "scyphopolyp" with exactly four gastric chambers. It transforms asexually into a pile of tiny medusa larvae, a process known as strobilation. The Medus larva is also called "Ephyra" and after a while in the plankton it turns into a jellyfish.


Most jellyfish species are restricted to the coastal area because they depend on a suitable substrate for their reproduction during the polyp generation in a sedentary way of life. But there are also deep sea jellyfish that multiply in the open sea and do not form a generation of polyps.

Types (selection)


Web links

Commons : Scyphozoa  - collection of images, videos and audio files

See also