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Stream bed of the Schondelle on the large meadow in Rombergpark

Stream bed of the Schondelle on the large meadow in Rombergpark

Water code DE : 277214
location North Rhine-Westphalia , Germany
River system Rhine
Drain over Emscher  → Rhine  → North Sea
source At Wellinghofen
51 ° 28 ′ 3 ″  N , 7 ° 29 ′ 30 ″  E
Source height 133  m above sea level NN
muzzle North-east of Brünninghausen in the Emscher Coordinates: 51 ° 29 ′ 24 "  N , 7 ° 28 ′ 17"  E 51 ° 29 ′ 24 "  N , 7 ° 28 ′ 17"  E
Mouth height 84  m above sea level NN
Height difference 49 m
Bottom slope 9.5 ‰
length 5.2 km
Catchment area 11.793 km²
Left tributaries Olpkebach
Big cities Dortmund

The Schondelle is a 5.2 km long orographic left or southern tributary of the Emscher in North Rhine-Westphalia , Germany .


The name Schondelle is Low German . The name is made up of already = beautiful and dent = depression .


The Schondelle rises in Wellinghofen in a spring pond at an altitude of 133  m above sea level. NN . From here it first flows in a westerly direction. At Lücklemberg the Olpkebach flows on the left . Below the mouth, the stream turns its course to the north, flows through the Zoological Garden and the Botanical Garden Rombergpark in Brünninghausen . The horse stream flows here on the right.

A little below, the Schondelle feeds a pond at the level of the Rombergpark gatehouse. For over a hundred years it disappeared here in a canal. The brook crossed the B 54 and the Phoenixpark underground , to then reach 84  m above sea level. NN to flow into the Emscher .

In the course of the renaturation of the Emscher by the Emschergenossenschaft , the city of Dortmund replaced the previous mixed water sewer system and separated the lower Schondelle stream from the dirty water by means of a complex decoupling measure. While a new sewer was created under the B 54 for the sewage in the underground tunnel, the river bed of the Schondelle was exposed or relocated to the surface. The new course, for which civil engineering work of up to 20 m height had to be carried out, which corresponds to approx. 200,000 t of excavated soil, follows the course of the B 54 from Rombergpark about 1200 m to the west to the allotment garden "Remy" and flows north of it into the Emscher . During the civil engineering work, historic wall remains of the Brünninghausen Castle were exposed in the planned stream bed . These were included in the redesign of the stream. The renovation work was completed in April 2014. The official breakthrough took place on April 17, 2014, with which the renatured Schondelle was opened to the public.

The Schondelle drains a 11.793 km² catchment area over the Emscher and Rhine to the North Sea . The creek overcomes a height difference of 49 m, which corresponds to a mean bed gradient of 9.4 ‰.


  • P. Podraza, J. Widera: Effects of mixed water discharges on the material balance and the biocenosis of flowing waters, case study Schondelle (North Rhine-Westphalia) - a small urban body of water in the mountainous region . The gas u. Wasserfach, Edition Wasser, Abwasser, Volume 139 (7/1998), Oldenburg-Industrieverlag, Munich 1998, pp. 402-407, ISSN  0016-3651

Web links

Commons : Schondelle  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b German basic map 1: 5000
  2. a b Topographical Information Management, Cologne District Government, Department GEObasis NRW ( Notes )
  3. Albrecht Greule. Among employees by Sabine Hachkl-Rößler: Deutsches Gewässernamenbuch . Etymology of the water body names and the associated area, settlement and field names. De Gruyter, Berlin, Boston, Mass. 2014, ISBN 978-3-11-019039-7 .
  4. City of Dortmund: City separates brook and sewage , February 9, 2012 ( Memento of the original from March 19, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  5. City of Dortmund: Schondelle sees daylight again, February 21, 2013 ( Memento of the original from March 19, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /