Schultze with tz

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Original title Schultze with tz
Country of production GDR
original language German
Publishing year 1974
length 82 minutes
Age rating FSK 0
Director Eberhard Schäfer
script Thomas Euler
production Television of the GDR
camera Horst Lippmann ,
Karl-Heinz Adam ,
Hans-Joachim Hartwig ,
Michael Kies
cut Wolfgang Meyer

Schultze mit tz is a swank produced by East German television by director Eberhard Schäfer from 1974. Rolf Herricht , Monika Woytowicz and Walter Richter-Reinick play the leading roles .


Bernhard Schulze is not only a great wine expert, he has also made a name for himself as a beekeeper , where he is a member of the “Ole Bienkopp” beekeeping division. Schulze has a daughter named Petra who has fledged and is now moving into her own apartment. Peter Schultze, who has moved into the same apartment that Petra is about to move into, has the same plan. Mr. Schultze only noticed when, in addition to his own furniture, there was also foreign furniture and other items, declared with the name Petra Schulze. A little later he discovered that he had already slept under the same roof with the woman he had never known before, because the key to the apartment was given to her late in the evening. Now they are both about to find out what went wrong with the lease. When Peter Schultze sees the name of his sister-in-law Marie-Luise Kleinmann in the small print, everything is clear to him.


The film was first broadcast on February 27, 1974 in the first program of the GDR television . In September 2016 the film was released on DVD by Icestorm as part of the DDR TV Archive series .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. SCHULTZE WITH TZ (1974) - A television fun game by Thomas Euler . In: Retrieved April 12, 2020 .