Scaled bullfinch

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Scaled bullfinch
Pyrrhula nipalensis.jpg

Common bullfinch ( Pyrrhula nipalensis )

Subordination : Songbirds (passeri)
Family : Finches (Fringillidae)
Subfamily : Goldfinches (Carduelinae)
Tribe : Pyrrhulini
Genre : Common bullfinch ( Pyrrhula )
Type : Scaled bullfinch
Scientific name
Pyrrhula nipalensis
Hodgson , 1836

The scaly- headed bullfinch ( Pyrrhula nipalensis ), also called Nepal bullfinch , is a species from the goldfinch-like subfamily . The species occurs exclusively in Asia. It is classified by the IUCN as a species whose existence is not endangered ( least concern ).


The Schuppenkopfgimpel reaches a body length of sixteen to seventeen centimeters. There is a slight gender dimorphism . The females are generally a little paler in color and the scales that give them their name are barely visible on their heads.

The male has a bluish gray back, throat and chest. Fine black seams create a black scale pattern on the head. A fine white stripe runs below the eye. The middle of the abdomen and the under tail plumage are white. The elytra are brownish gray. The wings and tail feathers are bluish black, with the middle tail feathers having white stripes along the middle of the feathers. The eyes are black. The very strong beak is lead gray. The feet are brown.

Way of life

The range of the Schuppenkopfgimpels is very large. It stretches from Kashmir across southeast Tibet to southern China . The species is also found in the mountains of Malaysia and Taiwan . The habitat of the common bullfinch are pine, fir and oak forests. It can also be found in rhododendron stocks. The nest is only built by the female. The clutch comprises two to four eggs. It only breeds the female. The incubation period is 13 days.


So far, five subspecies are known:

  • Pyrrhula nipalensis nipalensis Hodgson , 1836 occurs in the Himalayas to northeast India .
  • Pyrrhula nipalensis ricketti La Touche , 1905 is distributed from northeast India and from north Myanmar to southeast China and north-west Vietnam .
  • Pyrrhula nipalensis victoriae Rippon , 1906 is widespread in western Myanmar.
  • Pyrrhula nipalensis waterstradti Hartert, E , 1902 occurs on the Malay Peninsula .
  • Pyrrhula nipalensis uchidai Kuroda , 1916 is widespread in Taiwan .

supporting documents

Individual evidence

  1. BirdLife Factsheet , accessed July 15, 2009
  2. Bielfeld, p. 74
  3. ^ IOC World Bird List Finches, euphonias, longspurs, Thrush-tanager


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