Scaly bark fir

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Scaly bark fir
Abies squamata - Botanical Garden, Dresden, Germany - DSC08774.JPG

Scaly bark fir ( Abies squamata )

Order : Conifers (Coniferales)
Family : Pine family (Pinaceae)
Subfamily : Abietoideae
Genre : Firs ( Abies )
Section : Pseudopicea
Type : Scaly bark fir
Scientific name
Abies squamata

The Abies squamata ( Abies squamata ) is a plant from the genus of the fir ( Abies ) in the family of Pinaceae (Pinaceae). It is endemic to the mountains of western China.


Branch of scalloped fir

The scaly bark grows as an evergreen tree that can reach heights of up to 40 meters and diameters of up to 1 meter at chest height . The trunk bark of old trees is divided into rough, square plates. The inner bark is red. Young trees and the branches of old trees have a bark that peels off in irregular, paper-like scales. The smooth or hairy twig bark is initially brown in young trees, from the second to third year it is brownish-gray in color.

The spherical winter buds are resinous. The straight or slightly curved, pointed or blunt needles are 1.5 to 3 centimeters long and around 2 millimeters wide. The top of the needle is dark green in color. There are two white stomatal bands on the underside of the needle . The needles are tightly packed in two rows on the branches.

The upright, short-cylindrical to almost oval cones are 5 to 8 inches long and 2.5 to 3.5 inches thick. When ripe, they are colored purple-brown. The winged, wide, wedge-shaped seeds are around 5 millimeters in size. The seed wing is about the same size as the seed.


The natural distribution area of ​​the scalloped fir is in China. There they can be found in the mountains of southern Gansu , southern Qinghai , western and northern Sichuan and in southeastern Xizang . It grows at altitudes of 3000 to 4700 meters.


The Schuppenrindige fir is assigned within the genus of firs ( Abies ) of the section Pseudopicea and the only species of the subsection Squamatae . It was first described by Maxwell Tylden Masters in 1909 in The Gardeners' Chronicle .


The wood is used as construction and furniture wood as well as for the production of wood pulp .

Hazard and protection

In the Red List of the IUCN , the Abies squamata is considered "at risk" out. It is pointed out, however, that a new review of the hazard is necessary. The main reasons for endangerment are the progressive felling for logging as well as habitat destruction.


  • Abies squamata. In: Flora of China., accessed on January 17, 2011 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Abies squamata. In: Flora of China., accessed on January 17, 2011 .
  2. Abies squamata in the endangered Red List species the IUCN 2010. Posted by: Conifer Specialist Group, 1998. Retrieved on January 17, 2011th

Web links

Commons : Scaled fir ( Abies squamata )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files