Science fiction year 1912

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◄◄1908190919101911Science Fiction Year 1912  | 1913  | 1914  | 1915  | 1916  |  | ►►
Other events

New publications literature

German title
Year of publication in German
Original title author Remarks
Astral Novellettes - - Paul Scheerbart
The Aeromobil - - Johannes Kaltenboeck
The sea of ​​light - - Emil Sandt
The human slaughterhouse. Pictures of the coming war - - Wilhelm Lamszus Anti-war novel
The radium as a matchmaker. Odigors and Odorinal - - Friedrich Streissler
The King of Judah - - Benedictus Levita
The Planetary Congress - - Ernst Lohwag
The future state - - Hermann Brandau
The princess from Mars Under the Moons of Mars Edgar Rice Burroughs
The sons of power - - Otto Soyka
The forgotten world 1926 The Lost World Arthur Conan Doyle
An ideal people - - Johann Martin Schleyer
A Kingdom mb H. - - Franz Wagenhoff Play
France's end in 19 ?? - - Adolf Sommerfeld
Graz in the year two thousand - - Dear Dachsteiner
Turn of the millennium - - Heinrich Driesmans
Michael the Great. An emperor's biography of the future - - Excelsior
Nessukareni and other stories from any planet - - Artur Hoerhammer
Dreamers - - Erich Mendelssohn
Dreamland - - Eugene Friese
World fire - - Karl Bleibtreu
Viennese pictures - - Siegmund Wilheim stories
The Hampdenshire Wonder JD Beresford
The Night Land William Hope Hodgson

New releases films

German title
Year of publication in German
Original title Director Remarks
The discovery of the North Pole À la conquête du pôle Georges Méliès



See also

Portal: Phantastik  - Overview of Wikipedia content on the topic of fantasy